
Type: Posts; User: Roger Dowding

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  1. Ardmore 1962 - Saloon Car Race - Event 8

    George Dixon in the 1938 Chevrolet Coupe - race number 141, the car later went to Rod Coppins and he used " 141 " as his race number, with the Chev and the later Zephyr Corvette.

    A very mixed...
  2. Replies

    Mairehau 1952

    Asking for a friend ; " Psopho " [ Nic Hart ] - is looking for the Programme for Mairehau 1952 Event. An actual Programme.

    Have never seen it;

    The only images I have are for later events, and...
  3. Austin Healey Sprite modifications - Alexander Engineering

    Alexander Engineering were a tuning modification business in Haddenham Buckinghamshire in the UK.
    They produced Engine modification kits for the Austin Healey Sprite and were known as " Alexander...
  4. Sebring 12 Hour Race 1960 and UJB141 the big rollover

    " UJB141 the big rollover " - posted before at different times - the 4 photos believed to be in sequence.
    Fred Spross in the AH 3000 Race #19.

    - Up up up,


    - and over

  5. Sebring 1960 - BMC Team - The MGA Twincam cars

    " The MG's [ UMO95, UMO96, UMO93 ] were stated as Chassis No 2571 - to - 2575 - [ according to Bill Price book - no Registration Plate numbers stated ] 4 cars including the " P " Practice/Spare car,...
  6. Sebring 1960 - BMC Team

    A bit of the story ;

    " 12 Hours of Sebring 26.3.1960

    The BMC Competition Department under the direction of Marcus Chambers had prioritized the Austin Healey's for use in international rallies....
  7. Sebring 12 Hour Race 1960 - on track action;

    More photos from the Rainer Jordan archives;
    - Photographers not known/stated.

    The start; UJB143 in the photo


    UJB142 - the " McCluggage " partly mentioned in the photo title [ McC ...
  8. Sebring 12 Hour Race 1960 and the UJB registered Austin Healeys

    The three Austin Healey 3000 entered were UJB141 UJB142 and UJB 143.
    A fourth " practice " car [ as in spare car just in case of any incident / accident ] UJB140 was also taken to the event and as...
  9. Replies

    Nigel, welcome back - Thanks for those photos,...

    Nigel, welcome back -
    Thanks for those photos, especially, of the McLaren's - the Can-Am cars in particular - the #5 Denny Hulme, is that the one that Duncan Fox restored ?, he had one there when I...
  10. Thanks Milan, I see the note of features on the...

    Thanks Milan, I see the note of features on the cover - re ; " Bruce McLaren - From the Cockpit " his book [ ghost written by Eoin Young as we know ] have my recent reprint copy [ re-published in...
  11. Replies

    Random Buckler images - NZ related

    Advertisement from the 1950's - looks like from the " Pink " cover New Zealand Weekly News,


    A well known Lotus XI with another well known car, a Buckler behind - believe Denise Ganley...
  12. " I don't think I've posted this Australian...

    " I don't think I've posted this Australian magazine cover before. It's the November 1956 edition "

    - You have not, that is new to the thread, thank you.
  13. Replies

    Milan. - Thanks, somewhere I mixed up the...

    - Thanks, somewhere I mixed up the details and lost images when I got my new laptop - will go through and relabel the images - some of which are yours,
  14. Replies

    Matamata 1964 - some more photos Jaguar and Daimler.

    Steve Taylor has recently uncovered some photo of his partners family archives.
    He had no idea of the location but the Church in Hohaia St helped.

    The Mark 2 Jaguar of Chris Keehan Race #55 in...
  15. Sebring 12 Hour Race 1960 and the UJB registered Austin Healeys

    Four Austin Healey 3000 cars went to Sebring under the BMC Work Team.
    UJB140 - the spare car
    UJB141 - #19 - the car that had a huge " rollover " crash
    UJB142 - #20 finished 15th place
    UJB143 -...
  16. Replies

    The Forum " Test Site "

    Have gone into the Test Site and the search function is much better, bringing up actual posts not just the thread they are on - checked it just using the Chassis Number for an Austin Healey [ of...
  17. Post #1466 - on this Austin Healey thread

    " Replies: 1,464
    Views: 1,134,904 "
    last post #1465.

    A long, long way to go to catch Ray Green - with his thread ;
    " Just a Mix of Pics " by ERC.
    " Replies: 4,900
    Views: 2,763,567 "
  18. Petrol Rationing World War 11 and beyond.

    Petrol [ Fuel ] Ration Coupons from the 1940's in New Zealand.
    THey cover " Motor Spirits " - " Power Kerosine " - Diesel Oil " - " Fuel Oil " " Lubricating Oil ".

    The Coupons ;


  19. Replies

    Mairehau - the Racing

    For those interested there is a good article by Allan Dick on the events held in the 1950's at Mairehau, in Canterbury.

    Programme Cover for one of the events; 1955


    Here a map of the...
  20. Replies

    Ron Roycroft and Jack Tutton raced XK120s

    Picked up this comment from the late David McKinney about Mairehau in the 1951 race.

    The Jaguar Centre facebook page came up with these two photos recently. [ Milan Fistonic added a comment and...
  21. Thread: EVERYONE

    by Roger Dowding

    77449 A Xmas card from 1983 from Bill Bolton...


    A Xmas card from 1983 from Bill Bolton and the late Flo, of Corvallis Oregon.

    Merry Christmas [ belated ] and Happy New Year - to all TRS members and viewers.
  22. AHS3802 - Austin Healey 100S - the Fred Losee Joss Tims Nic MacFarlane car

    The Austin Healey 100S - currently in the USA with a California Registration has come up for Auction by
    - " Fantasy Junction "
    The car that was brought to New Zealand in 1958 by Fred Lester Losee...
  23. Replies

    There were a huge number of cars when we - The...

    There were a huge number of cars when we - The Morgan and Austin Healey Clubs visited in 1979.
    Terry Roycroft retained some cars including the Bugatti - Jaguar and would know more.

    The VCC boys...
  24. Trevor Sheffield and his cars - some Entry Lists.

    1953 - an NSCC Hill Climb in the Fiat 509 Special in the 751 - 1100 cc class.


    Would have been one of his first Competition Events.

    1954 - The Car was a Singer Le Mans - may have been...
  25. The Two NZ Austin Healey 100S - in the same place - Dunedin Autospectacular 2024

    " Dunedin Autospectacular 2024 ".

    Autospectacular was held back in October 2024,
    The Austin Healey Car Club of New Zealand had a good display and managed to have the 2 AH 100S there, one is a...
Results 1 to 25 of 500
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