Bout time we started a thread dedicated to competition Mustangs around the world. Will be great to see what comes of this. So, have at it boys!
Bout time we started a thread dedicated to competition Mustangs around the world. Will be great to see what comes of this. So, have at it boys!
Seen im known Internationally as the "Mustang Guru", well, the most Famous one would have to this one here!!!!LOL
Last edited by Kiwiboss; 05-27-2011 at 04:27 AM.
OK, lets get real!!! Without a doubt this is the Mustang of Mustangs!!!
Early shot of Paul Faheys Mustang..
Have you ever been ripped off by an Advertising Agency. They stiil haven't paid the bill for the Fahey Mustang photo.
Excellent pic's Pallmall, come to think of it, and even going back to day one! there's a shit load of racing Mustangs in NZ!!
The Segedin car as an Allcomer.
And the boat nose photo that Dave McKinney posted in the Steve Twist thread.
Here are a few more for the collection. The last one is from the Biante class in Australia.
A couple more to look at. The first three were taken at Eastern Creek, Sydney at the Australian Muscle Car Masters. The Parnelli Jones car belongs to an enthusiast in Tasmania.
Last edited by kiwi285; 06-06-2011 at 11:49 PM.
A couple more photos from the collection
A few pics from across the ditch...some NZ cars feature
Most pics are courtesy of Perry Drury in Launceston Tas
Tony Calvert Symmons Plains Tas ex Niel Allen, G Stephenson
Robin Bessant #90 ex Elliot/Pare, Clive Green ex Geoghegan Symmons Plains Tas
Elliot /Pare Baskerville Tas
Last edited by Ellis; 08-30-2011 at 06:30 AM.
A few more....
PDL Calder
Geoghegan Symmons Plains Tas
Tony Calvert ex Allen/Stephenson. same car as #8 post 16..diff colour
Last edited by Ellis; 06-06-2011 at 11:56 AM.
and a few more...
PDL Calder
I've got a few more I will put up later
Last edited by Ellis; 06-04-2011 at 08:55 AM.
WOW these photos are awesome.....Keep them coming please
Magic photos there Ellis. Do you have any more info on the blue #8 in post 16, and the blue #3 in post 17? The #3 car looks like Bob Janes, but I assume this is a later owner given the BP signage and the Torana parked next to it, which would make this early 70s?