Steve....interesting thread. My guess is there are a lot of old ex racers out there but nowhere to race them.
However you are starting to lay down some rules!!!!! You say they are to be as they raced in the 60's and 70's up to about 73, which as far as I am concerned is a great cut-off date........BUT they cannot race on slicks, and yet I'll bet that most of these old war-horses raced on slicks in their day. So why this weird anti-slick thing on cars designed and raced with these tyres. Surely it is not a monetry thing.....all tyres are expensive.

We have exactly the Dunlop tyres that the Amco Mini raced on in it's two seasons and yet we would not be able to use them, but instead some thinly disguised slick, masquerading as a dot rated road tyre. Take a look at the tyres on the under 3 litre class cars at the festival and you will see what I mean.

Also, are old style roll cages allowed or do they all have to be up to present specs......I think Rod Grimwood has this problem.

Are we all going to 'race' together? There are some BIG differences in performance in that group already, from the Sidchrome Imp upwards, but we would much prefer to race with a group like this instead of the present under 3 litre class.

But hey..I'm just a negative bastard.........this is a great idea, I hope it grows.