When I created this website, one of my goals was to coax peoples old personal motor racing photo collections out of their closets and basements. And already I've been completely amazed by what has emerged. But I think the thing that has surprised me the most is that most of the collections centre around the mid-1960s through to 1971 period. Very little has emerged from the mid and late 1970s, or the 1980s.

Photography equipment during the 1960s was much more basic and expensive, yet most of the photo collections that have emerged have been from this period. I know there were many more people taking photos in the mid-70s through 1980s, but where have all these collections got to?

So this is my own personal quest to coax some of those '70s and '80s collections out of peoples garages that haven't seen the light of day for many years. You guys on here who were taking photos during this period, post what you have here, just so we can enjoy it. Its all gold to us, and we appreciate whatever we can get!