Thanks ERC. I hope the "experiment"is successful and that you get the support you deserve.
A major part of the 'problem' motor sport is facing (and, I would suggest, many sports clubs and clubs in general) is NZ's geography and demographics. If you look at it logically we have a land area bigger than the UK (that's England, Scotland Ireland and Wales all put together) but with approximately 1/20th of the population (4 million vs 80-odd mill). So if/when someone "invents" a new class of racing, we do not necessarily attract new competitors. All we do is spread our already low number of competitors more thinly over more classes.
One day when I have the time I intend to compile a list of all the classes of cars racing in NZ. I know this website is dedicated to the more historic side of motorsport, but with Steve's permission I will start a thread with the list on the RS.