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Thread: Wanted: Christchurch (New Zealand) Enthusiast To Help With Photo Scanning

  1. #1

    Wanted: Christchurch (New Zealand) Enthusiast To Help With Photo Scanning

    I've received an email from Bill Pottinger, who has also joined here as a member. Can anyone help here? Bill has a large collection of motor racing photographs from the late 1960s, in negative format. Please see email from Bill below:

    "Have 100s of old photos in negative form from the late 1960s, I would need to get some converted to a form suitable for email attachments. Anyone know of someone in Christchurch with a scanner?

    Bill Pottinger"

    Hopefully someone on here could help?

  2. #2
    I hope Bill has met with some success in getting his negs scanned, he was a prolific photographer at Teretonga back in the day and will have some fantastic photos, especially one of Brian Clay flicking the 120EN Special at the elbow (probably one of the best Motor Racing photos of all time).
    My daughter and I put together a DVD of photos scanned from the SSCC archives for the 50th anniversary of Teretonga, many of Bills photos were scanned for this which I can possibly find in my files somehwere if it is of any help. I'm sure followers of RS would appreciate the photo of Brian Clay but I hesitate to submit this or any others without the photographers approval.
    I hope this helps, maybe Bill could email me and I will see what I can do.


  3. #3
    Thanks for this. Bill has been in touch thanks to Michael Clark, and we're just in the process now of having him send me a cd with his collection on it to post here.

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