Quote Originally Posted by Steve Holmes View Post
OK, Ok. Just as Frosty said in Post #101, I need to earn a living, just like everyone one else. I've got bills to pay, mortgage etc, and far from actually making any money, The Roaring Season actually costs me money. It exists because of my enthusiasm for motor racing history. I've been away travelling for much of the last couple of months working on a book, so really haven't had any time for this website. But your suggestion for a more active administrator is a great idea! Know someone who wants to work all day for free and understands the ins and outs of the Vbulletin program? Send 'em my way!

I did email you a couple of months ago about the issues you were having, but didn't get a response. Essentially there is an image size limit on the site, as you're discovering. Its not something unique to this site, its in place on every forum the world over. This has to be put in place to keep overall size of the website down as much as possible, and to allow pages to load quickly for viewers.

Looking at the photos you have posted, there are two problems. One is obviously the file size. The other is the file type. Firstly, the reason some people aren't able to see some of/all of your images is because they're 'jpeg' images. Some systems don't recognise jpeg images for some reason. My computer does, so I can see the images you've posted. But looking at the comments here, some peoples systems don't recognise jpegs. This is a really easy fix. In the folder on your computer where your images are stored, highlight one of your images by clicking on it once with your cursor. Then right-click. You'll get a drop-down that gives you a bunch of different options. One of these will say 'Rename'. Click that. The name of the image file should now be highlighted in blue. Click in the area on the word jpeg between the 'e' and 'g'. Then hit 'Backspace' on your keyboard so you're deleting the 'e'. This will turn it into a jpg file, which virtually every system seems to support. Then people will be able to view your images. This issue has nothing to do with The Roaring Season. Its simply that some computers don't recognise jpeg files.

OK, as for resizing images. Unless you have a program for resizing images, such as Adobe Photoshop, my best suggestion would be to use one of the resizing websites as suggested by others here, such as Imageshack or Tinypic. I personally use Tinypic when posting images on other forums. I find it really easy to use, and I so rarely post photos on other forums these days its the simplest option for me. Sometimes with Tinypic, however, your photos can just disappear off a website at random. Essentially, what is happening is that even though you're viewing the image on one website, say, for example, the Autosport website, the image itself is actually being hosted by Tinypic. Sounds confusing, but I can't really explain it better.

Most forums the world over use a similar program, this site included. If you can figure out how to post images here, you can post them on most other forums too.
Thanks Steve, I alway try to be positive and constructive when it comes to problems.
Going forward, I have checked the files I posted and all appear to be JPG.

As to size, I see in the FAQ section that if I look under the "Attachment Window" there is a listing of file types and their maximum sizes. Where do I find this "Attachment Window" please?

I note that the photos I attempted to post appear to range from 7.8KB to 105.3KB. Should this be an issue for JPG files?

Having lots of images I would love to post I hope this can be resolved quickly for the benefit of viewers.

Thanks Terry