I'd fancy one of those. You have a message Oldfart
A card on the Austin Healey 100S was posted on a Fb page " Austin Healey 100S " some time ago by Paul O'Neill - Paul has the whole set of 24 cards which he recently got out and photographed;
Here is the entire set - the AH 100S was number 19.
Must have been a 1950's set ;
Close up of the Austin Healey and the details on the back.
Many of the cars pictured were seen in New Zealand in the 1950's / 60's ..
I remember and collected those Castrol Motorsport Year Booklets back in the 1960's - sadly all gone - with the number of house moves over the years [ around 12 ] and the " giving away " of a lot of stuff, I now have only two big boxes of books brochures etc, about 4 boxes of photo's 10 large boxes of Scale Models not forgetting the Seven Boxes of Magazines that I rescued for seaqnmac from his Uncle.
They need to be sorted mainly Classic and Sports car Vols 1 to 22 in 6 boxes and another box of a UK newspaper style motoring publication from the 1970's.
However as " ERC " and others have mentioned on TRS and elsewhere - you collect it, and no one else in the family is really interested where does it all go !! when you Go >> ..
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 06-10-2019 at 03:30 AM.
[QUOTE=Roger Dowding;
However as " ERC " and others have mentioned on TRS and elsewhere - you collect it, and no one else in the family is really interested where does it all go !! when you Go >> ..[/QUOTE]
This applies to all the stuff collected by the late Ralph Watson, as I have previously mentioned without receiving any response. :-(
Trevor yes, It is hard to deal with - Ralph would have some fascinating things I am sure - photos etc are easy can be scanned, but other things take space and as we get older we downsize -
My own experience - 1994 - 25 years ago owned a large house with double garage a carport and had 3 to 4 cars at any one time.
The garage held a lot of tools and car spares,books magazines and other stuff - out of the way of family.
Now small house, single garage, two cars, one of which lives 200km away in Auckland and gets used every couple of months.
I daren't take on any more " stuff " really but do get the odd item - have to deal with all those boxes soon !!
** and today indicated would take some NZ Classic Car mags -
see how it goes !! storage is the issue for most of us !!
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-04-2019 at 09:47 PM. Reason: ** more stuff ###47
Love the cards Roger.
Fantastic to see, thanks for posting them up.
It is a shame with a lot of the collections needing to be re homed, I usually collect by sight and it is hard sometimes to do this unseen.
And then there is the space issue, as Roger has said. I am also mindful of this. Don't have and answer for this sadly.
Last edited by Paul B; 06-11-2019 at 08:24 AM.
The Motoring Books -
The Austin Healey and BMC books
The Moss [ a borrow ] Brooklands, Le Mans series and the US collection
In the cardboard cartons are the Vintage Motorsport collection " The Specials " and the big one is the Corvette Book by Dick Guldstrand - self published and marketed - mine I got around 2003 and it arrived in a US Postal Service Mail Sack with a lock on it - I wrote back and said did they want and was " keep it '.
and the New Zealand collection - two of which I contributed to, too !!
Many that I like, so no favourites really.
Hope you don't get a crick in your neck reading the titles
Missing is the Trevor Sheffield - self published " Ralph Watson - Special Engineer " as I am reading it at the moment.
Hopefully there is a gap for it !!
Is anyone interested in accepting a gift of most NZ Classic Car, magazines from the early days up to about three years ago when I stopped buying it?
Thanks Roger. We are away Dec 11th to 27th, but any time is OK. My wife will be SO impressed... Now I have to address the rest of the stacks. Most are worth selling - or donating to a worthy cause if unsold. Chaindrive may be interested in some old model car magazines.
"Alf Francis - Racing Mechanic".
I have a my own copy of the 'Motoring Book Club' edition, but found a hard copy of the original in one of the local charity shops yesterday. No dust jacket, a little faded, but otherwise OK. I'd already bought three books and with a kilo of monk fish and a 1.5km walk home ahead, no shopping bag, didn't want to carry any more.
A great book as I remember, when race mechanics had it really tough.
If anyone is interested ($7), I'll grab it - but be quick.
If still available, I'd be interested. I'll pay the shipping to France.
I never find this kind of gems in charity stores in France!
OK Remi. Got it for you! Email me your address and I'll also put the Ginetta pics onto a memory card for you. Can't do anything much for a week until I get the PC returned. If there are any other makes/models you are interested in, just let me know. Will be easy enough to stick them on.
NZ Classic Driver due out in Late September - early October will be the first of the quarterly editions as compared to bi-monthly until now.
In the Issue will be the story of the Telecom Classic Motorfest events of 1993 and 1994 - The article has been written by Laurie Brenssell - who was the Chairman of the organising committee.
Covers from the 1993 and 1994 Programmes; Images from Laurie's archives - I have other copies of both, one from Remi who owns the Tony Herbert Ginetta that raced there in 1994
" POWER and the GLORY " indeed.
I knew this ran one year, but not two. Was the circuit the same both years and did they run bikes both years please?
According to the programmes:
In 1993 there were two 5-lap Motorcycle Demonstrations.
In 1994 the was a race on Saturday and two races on Sunday.
Last edited by Milan Fistonic; 03-19-2020 at 07:26 AM.
The local Vintage Car Club has been purging the pile of books in its library, they have an abundance and I picked up this one: