A recent acquisition - Details all components for the many British Cars, Motorcycles and Trucks that Jospeh Lucas supplied - a gem for wanting part numbers for bulbs relays light fittings brake components et al.
A recent acquisition - Details all components for the many British Cars, Motorcycles and Trucks that Jospeh Lucas supplied - a gem for wanting part numbers for bulbs relays light fittings brake components et al.
John Stokes published the first book in 2017 and now Volume 11 is out;
Have borrowed both through our Library
- had read " Putting the Car before the Horse " before -
The second book - Volume Two " Driving Ahead - 1936 to 1977 ".
Both are well illustrated.
The covers
Inside - Volume just has a Title page , Volume two a double photo.
How many books is too many? I might have a problem.![]()
large problem ?![]()
Hotrod1, Bruce,
Nahh - just build stronger shelves - You have a few that I have - the Vercoe Books,Sandy Myrhe's etc ..
#84 - Shelsey Walsh, Bira etc. This could almost have been my Dad's bookshelf! Unlike the rest of his extensive collection of books, these resided on a small shelf alongside his favourite chair, so I was a regular browser though I must confess to never having read them.
Great collection though - and a surprising number could also be found on my shelves.
These are on the shelf above my office window. Safe from UV light - and reflected sunlight. Taken exactly four years ago, so one copy of ERA has gone.
Last edited by ERC; 08-25-2021 at 08:31 PM.
ERC thanks for sharing there are lots I have not got in your pics so I'm back on the hunt. the fun of the chase is as good as the reading. its sad that a lot of the older books I am finding come with the offer of others from deceased estates I guess we are all getting older.
Many of mine are for sale hotrod, as I know darn well the family won't be bothered listing them, even though some are autographed, some quite rare. I estimated the value of just those pictured to be worth a bob or two. Several other shelves full.
One of the more recent additions, (not pictured) 'Poetry in Motion - Tony Brooks' seems to have dramatically increased in value already. On another shelf, Miles Wilkins book on fibreglass and a Brockbank book, also seem to be selling for far more than I would have estimated.
Last edited by ERC; 08-28-2021 at 05:36 AM.
Hi hotrod1. Can you check your PM's please. I have sent you a message. Cheers. Kirk
Recent additions to my Bookshelf - or Box-file or somewhere;
Recently acquired some Pukekohe Race Meeting programmes from the 1960's and other items including these ;
The Blue Booklet was issued by Weltex [ Bob Blackburn ] who first gained the rights to make the Microplas "Mistral " body and chassis.
The Booklet has the screw type fitting so it can be taken apart and more pages added.
Later Emslie and Flockton of Dunedin took over the manufacture of Mistral cars.
Line drawing from the Brochure.
Weltex also offered Speed Equipment from Sheppards - including these Inlet Manifolds.
The Mistral in the photo on the Emslie and Flockton brochure has 1956 - 1961 number plate.
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 02-23-2023 at 05:08 AM. Reason: Number Plate ..###47
The Bruce McLaren book " From the Cockpit " has been re-published with a " preface " from Amanda McLaren. originally published in 1964.
The Ford Book " ... of Competition Motoring " dates from 1965 - Edited by Jim Clark and Alan Brinton, who contribute a chapter each, as does Bruce McLaren - one on Le Mans.
" Classic Racer " by Eoin Young - was purchased when published back in 2003 and includes a Chapter on Bruce McLaren.
Contents pages from the last two books.
Not a book but a Motorsport in Miniature .. A good condition Dinky Model Cooper Bristol race number 6.
The real model - my rather worn version, It was a 1954 Dinky issue but has tyres acquired in the late 1990's.
The model was found in a gutter on a road in Hamilton by my Grandson in the early 1990's Grandson is now in his 30's and left it in my care many years ago .. [ should it go on your thread "Chaindrive " ??
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 01-04-2023 at 02:53 AM. Reason: Edited ###47
"Specials" by john Bolster, Second edition 1950, raised my enthusiasm towards building my first car. It includes some very hairy and interesting prewar cars. Does anyone else have a copy of this very interesting publication ?
Greg Stokes .. after some time from that post I got a copy from " hotrod1 " Bruce B who lives in Waimate at a very reasonable price.
When I read I was pleased to see some mention of my Uncle " Jack Boot " a founding member and on the first committee of Northern Sports Car Club back in July 1943 .
. I never met him but he was married to another Uncles [ my Dads brother ] wifes Sister, Sadly Jack passed away in early 1945.
The " another Uncle " Eddie Dowding was one of the reason I was so interested in cars when very young.. and 75 years later I still am ..
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 02-23-2023 at 05:06 AM.
Checking this photo from Bruce " hotrod1 " I saw this ....
A front engined, looks German, Clockwork Tinplate Racer -
Have had this - re-creation by Schuco of their original 1950's series - this one believe made in the early 1980's.
A rear engined, German, Clockwork Tinplate Racer an Auto - Union..
Hi Roger the Schuco racer in the pic from my post is a modern reproduction but I recently managed to get hold of a John Player special F1 model car from 1973 it is a AM radio they sold them through adds in Playboy magazine at the time and I could not resist it when it came up for sale another recent purchase is the tin plate Porsche from about the same era. I am not a toy car collector but if it is a little oddball or just plane cool I cant resist the urge to add to my collection.![]()
Around the tender age of fifteen, after reading 'The Racing Car' by Denis Jenkinson & Cecil Clutton and thinking it was such a fantastic read and wondering if there were any more like that... Today, my motoring library is rather extensive at upwards of 8,000 titles. I particularly like signed copies and over the years rarely attended an event without a backpack containing a few books about drivers attending. Have around 1200 or so duplicate copies, if anyone might be looking for an instant motoring library.
Last edited by Speedsports; 10-18-2023 at 05:33 AM.
Cripes! 8,000 titles is almost due a National Collection status!
where are you? It won't be easy to place but at least it could start someone on a journey like yours. I am focusing on New Zealand Motorcycle racing books and enjoying hunting them down, I have limited my search as that's my interest so i'm collecting to use and read for research, not just collecting for collecting sake. I've seen people go down that rabbit hole and prefer not to go there.
Have had the 1967 Edition since it was first published, and in 2022 I was given the 1963 - 1967 Editions by a friend of the Family.
Actually my Cousin John Dowding's real Brother. Peter Webb.
More recently my Cousins Neighbour Rex Corbett gave me the full set 1963 - 1972, and I have the 1973 Edition which was in a different format.
If anyone on TRS would like the now spare set of the 1963 to 1967 Books please PM me or comment on here.
Available for the cost of the Postage / Courier of around $10.00.
Not the best of images as done on my phone back in January this year.
Both sets came to me via the Family House in Moore Street where the MX5 lived until last Friday - as noted on the Mazda MX5 thread.
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-29-2023 at 10:16 PM.