Quote Originally Posted by Kiwiboss View Post
Quite a story went with this Shelby Rod, the accident was apparently new years eve 69/70 or 71 on Chapel rd, East Tamaki , which would have been out in the country then, the road drops away and comes back up with a old church of to one side, the story goes they sailed the Shelby straight off at high speed killing both driver and passenger, remember this would have been a near 3 year old newish hotrod back then and expensive!! Trevor Gray never like to race it on a new years events due to superstition i believe!! others may have better info than me!! Strangely enough about 10 years ago parts like the tail lights, trim, etc came up in a garage sale said to be from this Shelby, would luv to know its VIN number but long gone on doubt.

Dale M
The dip in the road, the bridge , the stream and the old church are all still there. Didn’t here of the Shelby crash , but a group of my friends in a ’67 Barracuda ended up in the same spot late one night in the mid ‘70’s. One died and the others crawled out in various states of repair. Barracuda was a write off. R.I.P. Murray – Not forgotten.