My association with Jeff goes back to at least primary school days as we went to the same church. Jeff's dad was the paperhanger who came to paint and paper my folk's place. We worked close to each other when he was working for Bruce Watt. Bruce's blue A40, with Jeff at the wheel, sometimes had me in the passenger seat.
Jeff used to share pictures with me. In the early days I didn't have a camera but then the Box Brownie introduced me to the delights of photography. Some of the pictures here are mine taken with the Brownie - the Talbot, the Cowie Mini, the Tojeiro Jag but that's OK - my son posted some of Jeff's as mine on an earlier thread. It is nice to see them displayed.

Just another comment. When the Formula One display was on at Te Papa I took some pictures with me - a copy of the A40 Special and some others I had of Chris Amon - in the hope of getting to talk with Chris. I was at Levin that day when he was given the chance to drive that car in the lunch break - I do not recall it racing, just practicing in the lunch break.