" Borrowed " from Ken H
Racing photo from Jerry Melton's archives Car #73 " AUSTIN HEALEY 73 GVR FEB 1967 "
Ken H had question BN1 or BN2, I do not know from the photo,

Name:  AH 100 #111 AH race # 73 GVR FEB 1967 Jerry Melton Ken Hyndman archives .jpg
Views: 1504
Size:  142.9 KB

This guy would know pretty quickly
Images from Clas Arleskar's vast collection.

Fred Draper outside AH Spares Photo from 1973

Name:  AH Spares #11 Fred Draper at the door 1973 Clas Arleskar archives .jpg
Views: 1346
Size:  118.2 KB

First Invoices for parts that Clas bought from Fred in 1975

Name:  AH Spares #12 Fred Draper AH Spares invoices 1973 Clas Arleskar archives .jpg
Views: 2152
Size:  75.0 KB

9 years later the premises had grown -1982 standing outside the building - photo taken by Pete Dicks, on my camera, an Austin Healey guy from the English Midlands that I met at Snowmass Colorado in 1982 and met again in England in October 1982

Name:  AH Spares #13 Fred Drapers AH Spares 1982 Roger Dowding standing photo by Pete Dicks R Dowding .jpg
Views: 2009
Size:  32.0 KB