" Warren Country Club Chelmsford UK May 3rd 2013
Marco Trevisan, Steve & Helen Pike, Dani Schlatter
NOJ393 first public reappearance after restoration.
photo complements Joe Jarick ESQ. "
Comments by Steve Pike - who was involved with the restoration.

Name:  AH 100S #82 NOJ393 Warren Country Club Chelmsford UK May 3rd 2013 Steve Pike .jpg
Views: 1318
Size:  165.6 KB

AHS3610 - another restoration - photo from Steve Pike.

Name:  AH 100S #81 B 100S AHS3610 Steve Pike photo  (800x600).jpg
Views: 1221
Size:  151.0 KB

Not a 100S just a photo of my 100 after some repainting - sitting the garage with a couple of very different Mates a T-Bucket [ Chev powered ] and our MGB GT - the T was owned by our son back in 1990/91, was a dog to drive, was built for drag racing so not a road friendly car .

Name:  AH 100 #97 B LX100 1991 w Tbucket MGB  (800x549).jpg
Views: 1085
Size:  156.1 KB

Have uncovered some photo's I had forgotten about - so my own archives growing again.