Hi all,
Saturday November 5th 7.30pm at the Hornby Workingmens Club, Carmen Road, Christchurch is where the OSCA 40th Reunion will be held. Its the weekend of the The Lady Wigram Revival meeting at Ruapuna where pre 1990 OSCA sedans and friends will be racing as well as the current OSCA class.
Also at the meeting will be F5000, Pre65, Classic Touring Cars and more.

Tickets are $15 and can be bought through me at evanmunt@hotmail.com or on the door for $20 so tell all your mates and old racing buddies to come along for a great night of tall stories, old footage and photos and catching up with old acquantices.

Please send any photos you may have to me to add to the night and post any stories, photos, questions or whatever below as Im sure there are a few of them around the country.
Cheers Evan