I gather the circuit changed a lot over time, here are three variations.
1954 the Initial NZ Championship Road Race, Easter Monday April 1954.
Start / Finish on Fryatt St, left into Halsey, right into Jutland left Wickliffe over the bridge onto Ward then kink into Burns left into Willis then right onto Fish left into Rattray and to the Start Finish.
1961 Festival Road Races Saturday January 28th 1961. a very different course.
Not much detail just names for the corners from the start ascent to the kink then descent to the Glen - hairpin, then curve around to kink at Service Station another kink at Kensington School the Railway to a sharp left at Tramshed corner, back to Start / Finish
1965 The Final Road Races - prior to the Revival meeting in 1984 from Scott Thomson's book " Racing Round the Houses "
A better map the course runs around the Railway Yards.
Here is a description of the course from Scott's book.
Hope this is some use ;, and good to put the information here on the thread.
Car 60 is 1964 Capella. Along side I think is 'Jilly' Cooper- Dave Sillcock, then (18) The Citroen Spyder owned by Ralph Smith probably with family member driving .Front row near is Gee Cee Ess, then my Ex Palmer 1960 Lotus 20B with my brother driving along side me in my 1955 BCM Special (16) and the Ransley Riley with Malcolm or Eileen McMillian. Chris Read, Arrowtown.
My 1955 BCM Special with Dave Mills talking to Malcolm McLeod in the pits. Note the old cross plys and they were original cases with retreads of some soft compound rubber. The 1 3/4 carbs are off Ernie Sprague's Zephyr when he put side drafts on. Still in my ownership and still 2250 cc Vauxhall motor. Chris Read,Arrowtown.
Cooper Vincent 'Jilly' definitely Dave Silcock. Dave had it going soooo fast everything was wired shut otherwise it would shake to bits. He won the WN street race leaving behind a huge array of English F 2 cars.....Listers, Cooper Bristols, Lotus.......go Dave..
Frangipani?? Holden based
Sam in the DIno replica, then my BCM and the Gee cee Ess.@60m Zepryr Special along side the BillMorris ERA.
A while ago on another thread someone welcomed me to the "Rivet Counters Club" not that I minded!
However for a Christmas special quiz - 'What is different about the rivets on Sam's Dino body with all of the real ones built.
Chocolate fish for the first correct answer.
Minor correction, the first race was in January 1953, so the map of the 1954 races is for the second event.
The programmes from '54 and '61 provided to me by Bruce Dyer " Spgeti ", thanks Bruce.
As a result of " Oldfarts " query I am re-reading the Scott Thomson book [ booklet ] " Racing Round the Houses " the story of the Dunedin races published in 1983, which I bought at the 1984 Revival event.
A lot of my stuff has done the Ken Hyndman trick, shifted house many times in Auckland and then across the ditch to Sydney NSW and then in 2011 to Bellara, on Bribie Island, in Queensland, north of Brisbane City.
Then in 2017 sat in storage in Brisbane for 3 months then 9 months in Te Puna Storage, and now - since April 2018 - back in my clutches in Omokoroa -with all my other treasures..
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 07-18-2019 at 04:01 AM. Reason: Update to 2018 ###47
Difference between Sams Dino body and the real Dino's were that Sams glass body actually had them molded into the glass when flopped from the mold...
That is very correct - story I was told that Sam dropped little portions of glass onto cardboard and once hardened sorted into correct sizes. Easy then to bond to the body and a perfect rivet head is born!
The year he was racing in Dunedin was about the same time he was refused entry into Australian Historic races.
working on Frank Karl's Healey at the Motel
Frank Karl with Nell and Mark Donaldson
More to come around 30 odd, so good some not so, but worth preserving..
a few more shots the pits area - getting ready to run.
1951 - The first meeting ??
No inflation in those days three years later and still One Shilling !!
If you want the details of competitors from these just let me know !!.
And if anyone has the Reunion programme's please add to the thread.
A couple more views of the field getting ready.
a mix of 1930's to 1950's cars ..
More of the cars in the Pit Paddock areas, where it was easy to get up close ; a mixture of types
Car described in Graham Vercoes book as " Studebaker Indianapolis Replica " remember it being described as the Chry - Baker, Chrysler chassis and Studebaker Straight Eight engine of around 5500 cc
Ray Disher was unfortunately killed in the car a few years later.
and what would my photos be without a Healey in the collection *** correction Des Spillane's Healey 100.
The note on the photo says Chris White - now corrected in the text as advise by Des - interestingly Chris White lived " just up the road " at Wanganui [ Gonville actually ] and owned a White 100 [later Blue over White " NE354 ".
My racing shots were terrible too far away and blurry so about 40 shots not worth sharing
Last edited by Roger Dowding; 05-23-2023 at 05:54 AM. Reason: ** info from Spinaway ### 47
This is the first page of the entry list for the 1982 Ohakea Reunion. If it is readable I'll scan the other two pages.
This should be a bit clearer.