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Thread: Motoring pics Vintage cars - early years, events from 1960's 70's and 80's

  1. #1
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Motoring pics Vintage Cars and events : first the VCC 1971 Hunua 100

    Have quite a collection that don't fit in other threads, so will gather them in one place;
    here ;

    Thread started in January 2016 and has had other car photos attached to it - more modern events, though the cars are still old-ish. The " 30 Year Rule " more or less.

    2021 on, will use the thread going forward for a lot of photo's that don't fit with other threads,Pukekohe the early years, Northern Sports Car Club, and Dunedin ..etc..

    2022 A bit of a story on New Zealand Number Plates and Registrations has started 1st April 2022
    A no it is not a joke as written after Mid-Day ..

    Seen before on Yards and Yarns the 1971 Hunua Hundred, Auckland Vintage Car Club event.
    The 1971 Hunua Hundred was held on 24th October 1971
    - I have just found another SIX photos which require scanning ; they will be posted in due course. Includes a couple more of the Model A Ford.

    One of the Official " CHECK " signs - borrowed from the VCC Organisers - with permission. - which I still have in my collection of motoring memorabilia.

    Name:  Hunua Hundred 1971 Auckland VVCC sign CCI27092015 (800x735).jpg
Views: 7526
Size:  114.8 KB

    The Model A Ford I was navigator in.. complete with the thugs involved - thanks Ken H .. note no shotguns.

    I am "The man in the Middle "- as the song goes, and my best Mate at the time Peter Firth on the left and the owner Charles " Charlie " Liddell on the right.
    2020 ; have found out that the car still exists but has been repainted and is now two tone " Duotone "

    Name:  Hunua Hundred 1971 Auckland VVCC the Crew and CarCCI27092015_0002 (766x800).jpg
Views: 5691
Size:  158.5 KB
    My Mini a 1966 Austin Mini - petrol cap just in view

    Charlies Car - the Model A again.

    Name:  Hunua Hundred 1971 Auckland VVCC Model A Ford C Liddell, my photo CCI27092015_0003 (770x800).jpg
Views: 6328
Size:  130.5 KB

    Charlies Model A the Official VCC photo.

    Name:  Hunua Hundred 1971 Auckland VVCC the Model A. Official photo CCI27092015_0001 (800x620).jpg
Views: 11117
Size:  165.6 KB

    Not a true vintage but bits of it are. Actually all of the car was 1930's except for a couple of parts - the central section of the chassis was 1950's construction - the original BSA front and rear suspension was attached the the chassis rails / tubes.
    Lyle Chambers BSA Special - the Ford 8/10 powered one.

    Name:  BSA Special - Lyle Chambers car. #15, at Sarsfield St with Rapier. . CCI26082015 (2) (767x800).jpg
Views: 4679
Size:  151.2 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 04-01-2022 at 05:13 AM. Reason: retitiled and more info #### 47

  2. #2
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Hunua Hundred Rally 1971 Auckland Veteran & Vintage Car Club - Competitors

    Enough of the Ford Model A, Charles " Charlie " Liddell's car in which I navigated with Peter Firth as assistant.
    some of the other cars -

    the Huge Renault - believed to be George Mihaelivic's [ spelling ?? ].
    Name:  Hunua Hundred 1971 ; 1920's Renault Cabriolet CCI27092015_0001 (779x800).jpg
Views: 5540
Size:  108.2 KB

    Hispano - Suiza
    Name:  Hunua Hundred 1971 ; Hispano -Suiza CCI27092015_0002 (765x800).jpg
Views: 4384
Size:  104.9 KB

    Name:  Hunua Hundred 1971 ; 1932 Chevrolet sedan CCI27092015_0003 (751x800).jpg
Views: 5125
Size:  108.6 KB

    Name:  Hunua Hundred 1971 ; Bentley's CCI27092015 (765x800).jpg
Views: 4611
Size:  132.2 KB

    Not the Hunua Hundred, but my Father, Mac Dowding's, Austin Seven - well was jointly owned by Ed and Mac - photo from family archives taken in early 1940. Dad's girlfriend Eily in the car [ my mother, they married after the war in 1945.] Ed [ Eddie ] Dowding provided a lot of information for the Northern Sports Car Club thread.
    The car was modified with cut down doors and a raked windscreen to make it more MG -ish.. had a modified exhaust with copper tubes inside the main pipe to make it sound better.. seems familiar.
    No wonder I was into cars
    Name:  Austin 7 - 1930 model with Eily Rd and Mac #3, CCI08072015 (902x1280) (2).jpg
Views: 13683
Size:  59.1 KB

    Have recently seen a whole lot more photos of this car, with Mac my Dad, Ed my Uncle and their mates taken in the period 1938 - 1940.
    My Uncle Ed had a huge collection of photos which his son, my cousin, is scanning to keep for me.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-23-2022 at 10:05 PM. Reason: more info #### 47

  3. #3
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Vintage Rally 1972 Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

    During a trip around East Cape and down to Hawkes Bay in 1972 came across the competitors in a Vintage Rally, photo's taken in Napier from memory

    Vauxhall Hurlingham

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #1 Vauxhall Roadster CCI09012016_0001.jpg
Views: 5466
Size:  175.4 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #2  American Tourer and others CCI09012016_0003.jpg
Views: 4959
Size:  154.4 KB

    Rolls Royce and trucks at the Park - was " Parc Ferme " for the night while in Napier
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #3  Tourer & trucks CCI09012016_0004.jpg
Views: 4959
Size:  147.6 KB

    Don Osborne - whom I knew well at the time - he had a 1960's Ford Galaxie convertible as well, here is his 1919 Dodge

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #4, American - Dodge !! CCI09012016_0002.jpg
Views: 4045
Size:  169.2 KB

    Not on the Rally, seen at the roadside a Chevrolet truck which appears to be a cut down car, looking at the door edge.
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #5 Chevrolet truck v2, CCI09012016_0005 (800x791) (2).jpg
Views: 5374
Size:  166.7 KB

    Our transport was more modern a 1966 850cc Mini, the sprint, hillclimb trial and gymkhana car on the weekend, daily driver during the week.

    2020 - have now acquired the Entry List / Programme and also the Booklet issued about the event in 1972
    Thanks to Tony Haycock and Russ Cunningham

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1972 #001 The Programme Event Booklet - original colours cover J Manhire (2).jpg
Views: 674
Size:  137.8 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 09-23-2022 at 10:06 PM. Reason: correction event date 1972 ###

  4. #4
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Vintage Rally 1972 Hawkes Bay, New Zealand

    More pics from the Rally, interesting vehicles in the background, trucks a Bedford and in a previous shot a Landrover and a Flat nose Morris Commercial ?? Cocoa Cola truck.

    As shown later in the thread the programme - the event was 1972

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #6  Tourers top down and top up CCI10012016.jpg
Views: 4284
Size:  167.9 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #7 Model A Ford sedan CCI10012016_0002.jpg
Views: 3245
Size:  159.6 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #8  1920's English !! v2,  CCI10012016_0001 (790x800).jpg
Views: 4378
Size:  154.6 KB

    Our 1966 Austin Mini on the road to a wharf on the East Coast, near Mahia Peninsula I think.. Lucas Square 8 driving lights, very de riguer, even Rolls Royce used them, my second set as the first got stolen off the previous car an Austin A40 Farina.. this Mini was the get me to work, daily driver, Trials car, then Sprints Hill Climbs and Gymkhana's -

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #9, My Mini - 1966 the road trip CCI10012016_0003.jpg
Views: 4279
Size:  172.4 KB
    mechanically standard but later had widened wheels for sprints etc and the standard front wheels had Town and Country tyres for trialling.

    In sprint mode driving lights removed, wider wheels on and by now some chrome trim removed. the grille had 2 turn buttons instead of the 20 or so screws to hold it on.
    Name:  Mini Woodhill 1971-2, 18-04-2015 11;44;04AM.jpg
Views: 3102
Size:  52.7 KB
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 12-03-2018 at 12:08 AM. Reason: correction event date 1972 ###

  5. #5
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Havelock North
    The port you mention was probably Waikokopu on the Mahia Peninsula. It was a thriving port in the days of the little 'Coasters'-small vessels that served small coastal settlements.
    There is little left of it now, but the shed in the photo looks familiar-I suspect it may still be there.

  6. #6
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ
    Quote Originally Posted by rf84 View Post
    The port you mention was probably Waikokopu on the Mahia Peninsula. It was a thriving port in the days of the little 'Coasters'-small vessels that served small coastal settlements.
    There is little left of it now, but the shed in the photo looks familiar-I suspect it may still be there.
    rf84 have a photo of the " wharf " a very basic one.. will post it, thanks for the details, we stayed with my then wife's relatives in a small village near Gisborne and they told us about the Mahia area

  7. #7
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Mahia and the wharf - not a car I know, but got there in one

    Quote Originally Posted by Roger Dowding View Post
    rf84 have a photo of the " wharf " a very basic one.. will post it, thanks for the details, we stayed with my then wife's relatives in a small village near Gisborne and they told us about the Mahia area
    The shed again as commented on by rf84, quote
    " The port you mention was probably Waikokopu on the Mahia Peninsula. It was a thriving port in the days of the little 'Coasters'-small vessels that served small coastal settlements.
    There is little left of it now, but the shed in the photo looks familiar-I suspect it may still be there. "

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #9, My Mini - 1966 the road trip CCI10012016_0003 (780x800).jpg
Views: 4254
Size:  139.6 KB

    the wharf at the end of the road that goes through the shed ' warehouse / cargo shed ' ..
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1971 #10 - the wharf !! .CCI12012016.jpg
Views: 3181
Size:  157.3 KB

  8. #8
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Rally motorcycles 1978/9 Northland, New Zealand

    a few pics from a stop at I believe Mangonui, Northland in late 1978 or early 1979 [ pic date is Mar '79 ], and the TR is yet to get its racing Roll Bar.

    Name:  Vintage Motorcycles 1978-9 #1 Harley  CCI12012016_0004 (737x750) (717x730).jpg
Views: 7864
Size:  180.0 KB

    Name:  Vintage Motorcycles 1978-9 #2 Mc & sidecar CCI12012016_0003 (737x750).jpg
Views: 4606
Size:  167.3 KB

    Name:  Vintage Motorcycles 1978-9 #3, Mc closed sidecar CCI12012016_0001 (737x750).jpg
Views: 4518
Size:  182.0 KB

    Name:  Vintage Motorcycles 1978-9 #4 Mc's  Harley r CCI12012016_0002 (720x750).jpg
Views: 4464
Size:  181.4 KB

    Name:  Vintage Motorcycles 1978-9 #5 Mc and my TR4A CCI12012016 (732x750).jpg
Views: 10244
Size:  166.6 KB

  9. #9
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Havelock North
    Thanks for that. Yes-definitely Waikokopu. The shed is still there but not much of the wharf remains. Were you a surfer "back in the days" as there are some great surfing spots around this area.

  10. #10
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Rally 1968 Western Springs, Auckland, New Zealand

    Rally, as in a gathering, at Western Springs Speedway, some driving done but mostly static display.
    Hopefully these vehicles are still around today ;.
    any unnamed ones please add to the thread and / or correct any wrongly named. the naming was done many years ago [ 1968 ] as I wrote on the back of the pictures.

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #1 1927 Chev TruckCCI19012016_0006 (750x745).jpg
Views: 4494
Size:  181.1 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #2 early Cadillac CCI19012016 (750x741).jpg
Views: 4720
Size:  111.3 KB

    some are slightly blurry, couldn't tell until I enlarged them.

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #3 1915 Model T Ford CCI19012016_0004 (750x749).jpg
Views: 5570
Size:  148.2 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #4 Model A FordCCI19012016_0005 (750x726).jpg
Views: 5187
Size:  158.7 KB

    Please identify !!
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #5  Tourer !! CCI19012016_0001 (727x750).jpg
Views: 5327
Size:  110.7 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #6 1923 Packard Roadster CCI19012016_0003 (750x731).jpg
Views: 4493
Size:  173.2 KB
    I knew Graham Craw well back in the 1980/90's - understand his collection is now housed in a Museum in Northland and is the best collection of Packards in the Southern Hemisphere .. unsure if this was his

    More to follow ;

  11. #11
    Rodger- dont think this is one of Grahams. I worked on 12 of his Packards and dont remember this.
    This actually looks like the one Mark Ball owned, as I redid the top and side curtains.
    As a fellow Packard lover I always enjoyed spending time examining the cars especially the Packard Merlin motor -with log books......
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 01-19-2016 at 05:36 AM.

  12. #12
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Rally 1968 Western Springs, Auckland, New Zealand cont'd

    Mixed collection of English and American - includes Riley's which were a favourite in the Dowding families immediate Post War ;.
    Back in the day when Vauxhall rivaled Bentley with big engined cars a 30/98
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #7 Vauxhall 30;98 Hurlingham  CCI19012016 (750x750).jpg
Views: 4337
Size:  161.9 KB

    The Americans - Chrysler
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #8 1929 Chrysler CCI19012016_0001 (750x750) (2) (740x740).jpg
Views: 5159
Size:  181.6 KB
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #9 1929 Chevrolet CCI19012016_0002 (750x731) (740x721).jpg
Views: 5098
Size:  184.3 KB

    Those Rileys - an Alpine ?
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #10 Riley Alpine 1 CCI19012016_0004 (750x746).jpg
Views: 4040
Size:  165.7 KB

    Riley again
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #11 Riley Alpine 2 CCI19012016_0003 (745x750).jpg
Views: 4592
Size:  181.2 KB

    Riley Kestrel 6 or Monaco ?
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #12 Riley Monaco CCI19012016_0005 (750x750).jpg
Views: 4495
Size:  184.4 KB

    The family had one of these and a Monaco at another time - one a Kestrel, I think was heavily modified in the engine and had to use aircraft plugs as the head was planed too much.

    ** The Rileys - the names on the photos of the models may not be correct - have posted elsewhere and been corrected so will check

    Other cars there [ background in the photos - the huge 1960's Plymouth and a Daimler Limousine.

    more to come
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 10-06-2019 at 04:12 AM. Reason: correction *** ?? ### 47 ..

  13. #13
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Rodger- dont think this is one of Grahams. I worked on 12 of his Packards and dont remember this.
    This actually looks like the one Mark Ball owned, as I redid the top and side curtains.
    As a fellow Packard lover I always enjoyed spending time examining the cars especially the Packard Merlin motor -with log books......
    John M, any pictures of your work and the cars ??, would like to see them posted !!

  14. #14
    Roger- I have 5 photo albums of cars covering 38 years.
    Posting them would take so long.
    Currently have Jaguar XK140 Roadster in for full trim,
    Just finishing a Ford Jailbar that was/ still is Bitumix truck
    Also doing a Triumph TR4 with the type 1 seats.
    Before Xmas did a MGTC- full resto. It had TR4 Type 1 seats with the original material underneath-great for a correct pattern
    Please keep posting your pix , the b/w gives them a real historical feel.
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 01-19-2016 at 09:16 AM.

  15. #15
    Last edited by markson; 01-19-2016 at 03:49 PM.

  16. #16
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by John McKechnie View Post
    Roger- I have 5 photo albums of cars covering 38 years.
    Posting them would take so long.
    Currently have Jaguar XK140 Roadster in for full trim,
    Just finishing a Ford Jailbar that was/ still is Bitumix truck
    Also doing a Triumph TR4 with the type 1 seats.
    Before Xmas did a MGTC- full resto. It had TR4 Type 1 seats with the original material underneath-great for a correct pattern
    Please keep posting your pix , the b/w gives them a real historical feel.
    John M, thanks for the request," Please keep posting your pix , the b/w gives them a real historical feel." have lots more B/w's then we will get to colour even for the Vintage as have about 36 from the 1972 VCC International Rally, proper vintage Rally unlike the Western Springs gathering.. and I wrote details at the time so hopefully my notes are accurate, a friend of mine was an entrant in it.

    Would like to see a picture or two from you.

    Re' Graham Craw, I was his Bank Manager in the period 1988-92 at ANZ Bank in New Lynn, Graham was a valued customer but a farmer to the core, came to see one day, arrived in his London Taxi an FX3, I think still the Austin engined version, had a piece of rope to keep his trousers up [ lost the belt ], and was sitting outside my office waiting, my manager a very conservative and negaitive person saw him and came into my office as was concerned with this " scruff " sitting there, so I introduced my manager to Graham and after the interview the boss wanted his file, he was probably our biggest value customer .. don't judge a book by its cover !!,
    Graham was terrific, I wanted some firewood so he sent his son around to my home with a truckload at a very good price ..
    Remember he owned the old Montana Winery site on the scenic drive in West Auckland at one time, and of course interesting cars always,


  17. #17
    Graham Craw showed me his collection of weapons and invited me to have a session with his Thompson Machine gun.
    Very heavy, aim low as when it keeps firing the nose comes up.-
    Dont believe any stories of guys strutting around with one in each hand.
    Definitely a bucket list moment along with sitting in a Suhoi in Ukraine.
    The time with the Bofors would be best in a pm. More on Graham and Packards.soon
    Last edited by John McKechnie; 01-22-2016 at 07:50 AM.

  18. #18
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Rally 1968 Western Springs, Auckland, New Zealand cont'd ; English

    An English selection - with plates to match the cars year on one ..

    Bentley and its motor,
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #13 Bentley CCI23012016 (750x750).jpg
Views: 4957
Size:  167.2 KB
    Those SU's didn't change much from the 20's to the 60's ..
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #14 Bentley engine & SU's CCI23012016_0001 (750x708).jpg
Views: 3842
Size:  134.2 KB

    A large car from MG, an SA 4 seater cabriolet ..
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #15 MG SA 4 seater CCI23012016_0002 (750x745) (740x735).jpg
Views: 4103
Size:  181.0 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #16 Lagonda CCI23012016_0003 (750x746).jpg
Views: 4425
Size:  157.7 KB

    from the motoring words of the day, " You buy a car but you invest in an Austin " - their advertising slogan.
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #17 1924 Austin 12 CCI23012016_0004 (731x750).jpg
Views: 3822
Size:  167.5 KB

    My father had Austin Sevens including a two door early 1930's Ruby, was the first car I remember in the mid 1950's , he went to Fords for a while with an E94A Prefect, then a Mark 111 Zephyr, then back to Austin with a 1968 Austin 1800 " Landcrab - a good car, and then a 1300 cc Allegro, it lasted him well but was not a good drivers car.
    I think he believed in their advertising - the Zephyr was the best in my memory and he had that when I got my licence in 1965.

  19. #19
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Rally 1968 Western Springs, Auckland, and all that Jazz

    A few more a bit mixed and a Jazz Band on a truck ..

    Dennis and Holden
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #18 Dennis Fire Engine & FJ Holden CCI23012016 (750x745).jpg
Views: 4190
Size:  154.4 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #19 1928 EssexCCI23012016_0001 (750x736) (740x726).jpg
Views: 4005
Size:  181.7 KB

    General view of the track and the cars
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #20 Track view  Model T Truck with band far left CCI23012016_0.jpg
Views: 7825
Size:  150.3 KB

    The Jazz band on the " T " Truck.
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #21 Model T Truck with Band 1, CCI23012016_0003 (750x736).jpg
Views: 3924
Size:  146.6 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #22 Model T Truck and band 2 CCI23012016_0004 (500x750) (2).jpg
Views: 4128
Size:  125.7 KB

    A few more to follow taken with a borrowed camera - unsure whose, but have the negatives and the prints.

  20. #20
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Vintage Rally 1968 Western Springs, Auckland, New Zealand mainly English

    A couple of model "A" s, wonder if the door got opened !!
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #23 Model A Fords CCI23012016_0005 (518x750).jpg
Views: 4389
Size:  174.3 KB

    Some fairly fancy English cars

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #24 Lagonda CCI23012016_0003 (493x750).jpg
Views: 4380
Size:  120.6 KB

    MG Midget - the original, name reinvented in 1961 for the Sprite based BMC one
    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #25 M G Midget CCI23012016_0004 (507x750).jpg
Views: 3937
Size:  105.2 KB

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #26 1925 Sunbeam CCI23012016_0002 (487x750).jpg
Views: 4253
Size:  138.1 KB

    Singer - another name gathered up by Rootes group [ a 1934 Le Mans ]
    did this with a Sepia filter as the white was too white in the print.

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #27 1934 Singer Le Mans CCI23012016_0001 (514x750).jpg
Views: 5621
Size:  162.0 KB

    and to finish a Rolls Royce - a well known car with a story board on the front, and lots of badges.

    Name:  Vintage Rally 1968 Western Spings #28 1930 Rolls Royce  CCI23012016 (480x750).jpg
Views: 4452
Size:  113.8 KB

    That is all of this series.

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