Exactly Murray, well said. They cry about the cost of running a meeting, and then lump the "increased costs" onto the competitors, who then decide it's becoming too expensive and enter in ever decreasing numbers which causes the organises to cry more, when they have "free" money ( paying spectators ) not entering the books because they don't promote the meeting / who's going to be there / what cars are running etc. If you don't know who / what is going to be there, you're hardly likely to make the trek down there on the off chance you might see something of interest.

I'm in the same boat, dying to see an entry list to decide whether it's worth going, or another year of the same old same old. How hard can it be to put up an entry list as the entries are processed and accepted? It doesn't need to be sorted into class or anything flash, we can all work that out, just need driver name and year / make / model of car. Buying a program at the gate on the day is no good as you're already committed, and only the real diehards turn up in hope. It's the people that are on the fence about attending or not, that the advertising needs to be aimed at, people have a lot more demands on their time these days, so you need to give them a reason to attend. If that happens, then the stands and the coffers will be fuller, opening up other options for the future. It's like advertising there's going to be "a concert" on, but not saying who the artist / group is, who's going to go on that little info? We have "a race meeting", but no info about who and what will be racing.

Every year it's the same, and every year I raise these issues, and every year nothing changes. A few years ago I got an email survey after the NZFMR, a whole range of questions, then at the end a "write your own comments". Complete waste of 1/2 an hour of my life that was.....

So at the moment I've got better things to do with a whole day, 40 bucks to get in the gate, 10 bucks for a program, 5 bucks parking, 10 bucks for lunch, 20 bucks petrol to get there and back, and sunburn 'cos there's not an ounce of shade anywhere to sit / stand under for a bit. And thats' just for me, 1 person, think about the average guy who's got a wife and 2 kids, it's getting on for a $200 day. I'm no marketing guru, but jeez it's not rocket science.