I wonder, Ray, if the late entry "penalty" is used by people other than myself who were doing all they could to have the car ready for an event but not sure if they could make it? Better for them to pay the penalty fee than lose everything when with a few days to go they can't achieve it? Yes, I do understand it's a pain for the organisers, but I know I have "lost" a lot of money through entering on time and then failed to be ready.

Everything for the competitor has escalated. Entry costs, preparation being needed to a much higher level, so backyard almost goes away, compulsory transponder (even if you know you will just be an also ran), everyone thinks they have to stay in flash hotels, or expensive motorhomes, pit garages fresh tyres, racing where even the competitors think that "rubbing is racing", the list goes on.

Of course "we" have been told that grass roots motorsports should be done in paddocks so the real base level has gone, sadly I think maybe forever. Just look at what even the lowest classes think is vital, 4wd for club events, multiple sets of wheels and tyres.

Thank goodness for having been around for "the good old days" when you ran what you had, tried very hard not to bend it, stayed in a tent (or under the trailer) and drove home to be at work on Monday. Probably drove the car to work all week too But those days are gone.