You raise another good point re roll bars Ray. We had an (ostensibly standard) Subaru competing locally that was a full SIX seconds faster up a hillclimb than a Porsche GT3. The Subaru had no roll cage and a standard lap and diagonal seat belt. If the Subaru had been fitted with a roll cage it would have had to be homologated with MNZ. This costs in excess of $500 for the paper work alone let alone the cost of the roll cage. What is preferable-having a car with a roll cage that is not homologated or having a car with no roll cage at all?
Three years ago I imported an aluminium fuel cell from the USA. I cannot use it now because as of January 2016 fabricated fuel cells have to have paper work to prove what materials and what welding filler rods were used in it's construction. It then has to pass a pressure test. Yet someone can have an old car whose tank is possibly affected by rust and that's OK?
All more reasons to question the competence of some officials.