At Taupo people were asking me about the differences in classes
HSC- modified cars with standard bodies and same manufacturer factory components
HSS- modified bodies and different manufacturer components
The Allcomer era, 1960 to 1967 and only the type of cars seen on our circuit in NZ thru that period.
Mechanical components should be only those available during those dates.
Also those like the Custaxie 2, Coppin's Zephyr Corvette, Morrari replicas there can only be 1 car.
The real cars that exist can not be replicated.
Heaps of room for an Uncle Jack Anglia ,A40 Farina and a Marwood Jaguar powered H80...
There were plenty of V8 Coupes then to chose a suitable replica now- Robin Tanner, Rod Coppins, John Riley-later George Bunce, Nazer etc
No championship, series or need to upgrade or modify the cars.