The information often has to be researched Terry, but you are just as capable of doing that as anyone else. No one else has ever complained about a lack of information except you.

Since the settings on the site were changed, every single pic has be first of all copied and shrunk to no more than 185kb and no more than 850 pixels wide. Even using a resizing programme that shrinks to 850 wide, they may be over 185kb so you often have to shrink it again using another programme. That also takes time, over and above any cropping or adjustments that may be required.

As for scanning from old negatives or slides, you obviously have absolutely no idea just how long that takes and even though I may have taken a photograph 30 years ago, it can be an hour or so trying to track down the information just so that I can file it.

Pics now have to be loaded individually and even then, have been known to disappear and have to be loaded again, all of which takes time. Why do you think prolific snappers are still loading a month or two after the event?

I have posted on my own thread several times, asking for someone to identify a specific car, even when taken recently and had zero response, so please, stop your whingeing and do what the rest of us do and enjoy the photographs. If you have a query, post it or do some research of your own.