That is an excellent description of what it takes to put in photos on TRS. We are very grateful for what you and Nigel enter.
I put in some information on the Williams F1 6 wheeler project and was almost completed and the phone rang and I came back and found all the photos had gone to attachments and so I had to load it all again as I knew Terry S would be on my case for a lack of descriptions !
Hey, at least Terry keeps us on our toes ! I just wish he would enter some of his own photos and realize what is involved.
I almost lost my day job putting the latest Taupo thread together plus the lack of a good lunch etc.
So Terry, go easy on us as we donate a lot of our time at no charge to you.
p.s. You are always welcome to put in your own descriptions as you obviously know your stuff.

(Ken Hyndman. p.s. Thanks Steve for this thread. Great photos. )