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Thread: Early Days of Hot Rodding and Racing in Santa Barbara and beyond.

  1. #141
    World Champion
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    As can be seen from the previous shots that the Mendenhall Cutlass could be refueled from either the left or right side depending on how the gas pumps were set up whereas the Garner car just had right rear refueling.
    Here is a shot of one the special 50 gallon fuel tanks built for the Baja Cutlasses.
    Just in case the fuel gauge quit one could check the sight tube as a back up.

    Name:  50 Gallon tank.jpg
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    (Ken H)

  2. #142
    World Champion
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    Now it is time for a bit of a movie interlude from YouTube.

    The first shows Garner in both the 1970 Cutlass # 25 and the 1972 Cutlass "Banshee" # 30

    (Ken H)

  3. #143
    World Champion
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    The other modern day clip is of Jay Leno having fun in the restored off-road 1972 Olds Cutlass known as the "Banshee"

    (Ken H )

  4. #144
    World Champion
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    Jack Mendenhall would compete in the Cutlass in desert and other off-road races until about 1975.
    The Cutlass looked a bit out of place as it checked in amongst the VW desert specials.
    Name:  Cutlass waiting to compete.jpg
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    In the later years he had the pleasure of having his son Mark along as his co-driver.
    (The car was now painted white.)
    The numbers always changed as the number was how they qualified for an event.
    The Buellton boys had fun as they "cut loose" in their Cutlass.
    Name:  Baja_1000_History_ManvsMachine_# 117.jpg
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    Today this car sits in the Mendenhall Museum just across the alley from where it was first prepared over 50 years ago.
    Name:  5-mendenhall-museum # 67.jpg
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    (Ken H)
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 07-14-2022 at 06:46 AM.

  5. #145
    World Champion
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    Jack and Mark Mendenhall also liked to build cars and enter into "acceleration meets" across the dry lake at El Mirage and then later they moved on to the Bonneville Salt Flats in Utah.
    They had a 1932 Ford Roadster known as "Sally the Salt Dancer".
    They both went above 210 MPH in this car over the timed mile during the 1990s.
    Name:  Mendenhall's 32 roadster.jpg
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    Mark has been rebuilding this car in honor of his dad who passed away in 2005.
    Name:  mendenhall-museum.jpg
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    (Ken H )
    Last edited by khyndart in CA; 07-20-2022 at 07:08 AM.

  6. #146
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Omokoroa Beach Bay of Plenty NZ

    Santa Barbara to Matamata Barbara.

    Good stuff Ken H,

    News of the Motoring Moment here is that " Pukekohe Race Track " will close for Car racing in April 2023, as the Horse racing fraternity need it for their own use.
    A Sad day for New Zealand Motorsport - not the greatest Track but all we had in the North of the North Island in 1963.

    Off to your part of NZ tomorrow - Matamata and environs, Te Poi,. [ " Oldfart " has lived there too !! ].

    This should be familiar ... maybe someone can recognise the heads in the picture - now much older and grey-er or balder !! ..

    Name:  Matamata 1965 #044 Anglia Chev Coupe Ford Coupe  Jennings Fiat in bales sml John Larry Lawton (8.jpg
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    A John Larry Lawton photo- before he cropped it.

    Forty years ago this Young Fella was arriving in L A California for the first time, and went to Santa Barbara and other places near to you.

    Keep up the West Coast posts, lots of stuff I never knew about.

  7. #147
    World Champion
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    Thanks Roger.
    I think it might have been Jim Boyd in the Lycoming that almost went up the front steps of that church at one of the Matamata meets I was at.
    Perhaps Rhys has the correct story to tell ?

    (Ken H)

  8. #148
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    As I mentioned earlier some things don't change much here in the Buellton and Los Olivos area.
    Although Mattei's Tavern in Los Olivos is being renovated for the first time in 100 years the Garland Garage building is just the same.
    1970 at Buellton across from the Garland Garage.
    Name:  Olds Cutlass - Copy.jpg
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    July 22 2022 at Buellton across from the Garland family building.
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    ( Ken H )

  9. #149
    World Champion
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    To tell of racing folk from Buellton would not be complete without mentioning the aptly named "Slick" Gardner.
    He purchased the off-road Cutlass from James Garner and then he crashed it heavily at a desert event almost destroying himself and the car.
    Name:  Slick treatment ..# 2.jpg
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    Slick's need for speed led him to the Winston Cup Grand National circuit in 1973
    .Name:  Slick Gardner...jpg
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    Some 1973 information about Slick.
    Name:  Slick Gardner.jpg
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    (He lives near here and he is always an interesting person to talk o even if the stories might be perhaps a little stretched ! )
    Note his son's name is Racin .

    (Ken H )

  10. #150
    World Champion
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    Gardner's need to go fast took a big step in 1978 when he purchased the jet powered "Green Monster" from Art Arfons.
    Slick wanted to be the fastest man on wheels on earth! At least he is still around to talk about his attempts.
    This is a brief description from a "Hemmings" article about how Arfons built this machine.
    "It was called Green Monster for the surplus green paint he had laying around that he used to spiff them up) and apply that knowledge to a land-speed racer. For the Green Monster, he'd essentially build up a vehicle from parts he had laying around his Pickle Road farm - an axle from a Dodge truck, a steering assembly from a Packard, the instrument panel from one of his old airplanes - around an afterburner-equipped J-79 from the F-104 Starfighter, good for about 17,000 pounds of thrust."

    Another quote regarding the Green Monster and which engine was in the 2nd version, both built by Art Arfons.
    " The most famous "Green Monster" was powered by an ex-F-104 Starfighter General Electric J79 jet engine, producing 17,500 lbf (78 kN) static thrust with four-stage afterburner, which Arfons purchased from a scrap dealer for $600 and rebuilt himself, over the objections of General Electric and the government, and despite all manuals for the engine being classified top secret.!"

    Whatever, these guys were brave !

    Slick Gardner's optimistic announcement of his upcoming land speed attempt.
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    Slick about to enter the course at the Bonneville Salt Flats.
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    (Ken H)

  11. #151
    World Champion
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    Here are some quotes of Slick Gardner and the Green Monster speed attempts in1978.

    " Slick Gardner never set a land speed record, but in 1978 he announced that he would attempt it driving Art Arfons' J-79 powered Green Monster, soon to be renamed the "Andersen's Pea Soup Monster". With Arfons' assistance Gardner was actually on the salt in 1979, but no record, or even recorded speeds, came, although he claims that he did go faster than the current Blue Flame record during tests, then lack of money and loss of interest had him quit the attempt. Other sources suggested that maybe he lacked something else...

    By the way, the car we are talking about, which Gardner bought and ran ... is not the famous Green Monster that set the record several times in 1964 and 1965 and was destroyed in 1966, but a similar, more refined car Arfons had built immediately afterwards, tested extensively, and even set a FIA standing start quarter-mile record with, at Fort Stockton, Texas in 1969.

    Arfons always regretted selling that car, which he did only because he was desperate for money: he also says that he was not very comfortable with the responsibility of somebody else without his experience driving it and that he was relieved that the project had eventually been shelved."

    Getty images of Slick in 1978.

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    The last 20 years have not gone well for Slick and much of what he owned has been taken but he will not be soon forgotten in this area

    (Ken H ).

  12. #152
    For all of his years in the high speed business, Arfons wouldn't have had a lot more experience than Gardner in cars like this...

    Maybe an hour or so?

  13. #153
    World Champion
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    Off to Laguna Seca on Saturday just for one day of practice and qualifying this year for the Pre-Reunion Event.
    They are doing this format as last year so many cars did not make it to the following weekend which was the Monterey Historic Reunion.
    As you can see it is a fast moving day with about 5 minutes between each session.
    Here is a list of this Saturday's schedule.
    If any of you want a particular group photographed let me know and I will see what I can achieve.

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    (Ken H)

  14. #154
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Monterey 2022 - ... the offer !!

    Ken H, thanks for the offer..
    " If any of you want a particular group photographed let me know and I will see what I can achieve. "
    the 1955-66 SCCA cars and the 1923 - 1955 Le mans cars - but really any photos will be good,
    - you lucky Fella !!.

    40 years ago was the only time I went to Laguna Seca.** the Ninth running of the event.
    Some photos I took have never been seen as sent the negatives back to New Zealand to my Cousin, and they are now missing..

    from very cold New Zealand, [ 2 degrees c this morning in Omokoroa, Matamata and surrounds were zero... brrrrrr ...


    Name:  Monterey Historics 1982 #301 Program Cover CCI09092015 (2) (564x800).jpg
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    Post script ; Next weekend is the " Northern Sports Car Clubs " 50th Anniversary Celebration " for the Clubrooms.. First time back at the Club since about 1980..
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 08-13-2022 at 03:45 AM.

  15. #155
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Santa Barbara Races - James Dean - Salinas Races.

    Quote Originally Posted by khyndart in CA View Post
    Ah Roger,
    Usually at this time I am doing a thread about the Laguna Seca Historic Meet but it was not to be the case this year.
    There is even talk that the track may be sold for housing development which would indeed be a sad occasion.

    Another entrant at Santa Barbara in 1955 was movie actor James Dean driving a Porsche 356 Super Speedster # 33

    Attachment 67252

    Dean liked the look of the Porsche 550 Spyder that was being raced at Santa Barbara.

    Attachment 67253

    James Dean purchased a brand new Porsche 550 Spyder when he returned to Los Angeles.

    It was in his new car about 3 weeks after the Santa Barbara races, that he was killed in a high speed collision about 140 miles further north.
    And the legend of James Dean began and the place of his accident is visited by many to this day.

    (Ken H)
    Ken H, and others,

    Some information has come to light about the " Salinas " meeting in 1955 that James Dean was entered but, as we know, didn't arrive.
    An Austin Healey enthusiast found some photos and part of the programme for the event, it was a " One - Off ".
    Held at " Salinas Municipal Airport " on 1st and 2nd October 1955.

    He, Rainer Jordan, is looking for more information on the Event -
    - Entry List
    - Results
    - Photos, especially of the Healeys entered Austin Healey and probably Nash Healey too !.
    Any information would be appreciated.

    Will put the photos gathered on TRS, a bit on this thread being another California Track and some on the Austin Healey story.

    Bringing the thread to the front page !.


  16. #156
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Salinas Motor Races 1 - 2 October 1955

    The Motor Races at Salinas - as noted the only event held at the " Municipal Airport " the event that James Dean with his Porsche 550 was heading to.

    The Programme Cover - see the promoter / organiser was an " Optimist ".

    Name:  AH #360 Salinas Sports Car Races - Salinas Airport 1 -2 October 1955 Programme Cover arch R Jord.jpg
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    The Authorised Club was the Sport Car Club of America - SCCA.

    Name:  AH #361 Salinas Sports Car Races - Salinas Airport 1 -2 October 1955 Programme inside - front pa.jpg
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    Cars at Scrutineering - see there is an Anglia 100E Sedan [ Two door Saloon ] in the group along with Porsche and Austin Healey Triumph Sports Cars and many others.

    Name:  AH #364 Salinas Sports Car Races - Salinas Airport 1 -2 October 1955 Scrutineering AH others arc.jpg
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    - notes on the photo [ copied into to post 158 also ]
    " More than 130 sports cars were checked for safety by Sports Car Club of America engineers at the Salinas Airport in preparation for races.
    #67 Austin Healey is currently being checked.
    Driver Harry Malin
    . "

    The Start ; A lot of Austin Healey 100's in the photos, can't pick up a 100S though.

    Name:  AH #365 Salinas Sports Car Races - Salinas Airport 1 -2 October 1955 Car on grid arch R Jordan.jpg
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    Notes on the photo - [ copied to post #158 also]

    " In the first row on the right we see the Mercedes Benz 300SL #16 of Lance Reventlow.Son of Barbara Hutton drive a Mercedes Benz 300SL in royal blue color. Result 2nd. Bottom right with #67 is Harry Malin in his Austin Healey. Result unknown. No information on the results of the other cars. "

    Looking for more information ;

    Salinas is not far from Laguna Seca, Monterey and is the Council Seat of Monterey County, California. It is further inland, and the " Municipal Airport " is still there

    Will add some more notes to this post, when I have re-read and saved the details.
    Have found more and browsing for details on the Salinas races took me to " the Roaring Season " - some post on another thread from a few years ago. More to come !

    Roger .

    See post #158 for a bit about the results.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-22-2024 at 03:20 AM. Reason: location Salinas ###47

  17. #157
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Salinas Motor Races - 1955. a bit more.

    Some newspaper cuttings and a map of the track.
    It seems that the death of James Dean on the way to the Races, made more news that the Races.

    Dean took the Porsche 550 off the car trailer and he and his mechanic Rolf Weutherich decide to drive, they hit the Ford Stationwagon [ of Donald Turnupseed - according to some books - and in the newspaper cutting below] and Dean was gone, Weutherich survived.
    He went on to be a mechanic for other race drivers in California after he recovered from his injuries, I understand.

    The newspaper articles

    Name:  AH #372 Salinas Sports Car Races - Newspaper cutting with story of James Dean and the Races .jpg
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    Name:  AH #373 Salinas Sports Car Races - Newspaper cutting the Race Entries .jpg
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    The Track Map - as commented they didn't use the runways but the service roads / track around the Airport.
    Maybe so planes could land between races.

    Name:  AH #362 Salinas Sports Car Races - Salinas Airport 1 -2 October 1955 Map of the Track arch R Jor.jpg
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    Thinking of Janis Joplin and Kris Kristofferson as I write this **;.

    ** " Me and Bobby McGee " The Song.
    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-22-2024 at 03:23 AM. Reason: Bobby McGee ###47

  18. #158
    World Champion Roger Dowding's Avatar
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    Salinas - The meeting in October 1955.

    Format of the Forum has changed, trying to add another photo and can't see the the options to do that ?
    Will try again later - may need to Log-in again, normally just go to my saved icon for TRS and I am in.
    - solved the issue now for the image and notes .

    Poster for the Races - from Mike Ryan, that appeared on another thread some time ago.

    Shows the date 2nd October Sunday 1955, so was the 1st just for practice ?
    Can't read the details on the image of inside cover and first page of the Programme.

    Name:  AH #363 Salinas Sports Car Races - Salinas Airport 1 -2 October 1955 Poster Sun Oct 2 1955 arch .jpg
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    Some of the notes from Rainer Jordan and the very brief details of who was racing and the results.

    " 1955 Salinas Road Races, October 1+2, 1955. This was the first and only Salinas Road Race.
    The programme October 2 will be highlighted by two 27 lap features, one for modified cars under 1500cc and one for modified cars over 1500cc.
    The race course is 2.8 miles.
    More than 130 fast, sleek sports cars will burn the tack in 9 races. [ all races on the Sunday - my note ]

    -James Dean was driving on Friday 30.9.1955 from Hollywood to a road race at Salinas at the time of his dead on a darkening highway at the Chlame Junction when two cars crashed head-on. After the drivers heard about the tragedy they don't believe bad omens because: "It always happens to the other guy, never to me.

    "When we take a closer look on the starting grid can we see several Austin Healey.
    Unfortunately, there is no information anywhere about the starters and the results. So if anyone has any information about this, please let us know. "
    - notes edited to correct typos and spelling

    The photo of the scrutineering in post 156 had the following notes;

    " More than 130 sports cars were checked for safety by Sports Car Club of America engineers at the Salinas Airport in preparation for races.
    #67 Austin Healey is currently being checked.
    Driver Harry Malin. "

    The photo of the grid for the over 1500cc Race notes

    " In the first row on the right we see the Mercedes Benz 300SL #16 of Lance Reventlow. Son of Barbara Hutton drive a Mercedes Benz 300SL in royal blue color. Result 2nd.
    Bottom right with #67 is Harry Malin in his Austin Healey.
    Result unknown. No information on the results of the other cars. "

    The winner of this race was Terry Hall in car #76 another Mercedes Benz 300SL, with Lance Reventlow in #16 coming second.

    no other placings are known.

    Winner of the first race the under 1500cc was a Porsche 550 Jean Pierre Kunstle

    Other entrants in the under 1500cc race included 3 OSCA cars - two MT4 driven by Bill David #9 at 1450cc and Sam Weiss #55 at 1300cc and another OSCA of Chick Leson #117 no capacity stated.

    Much more to find out.

    Another copy of the track map - with notes -.

    Name:  AH #364 Salinas Sports Car Races - Salinas Airport 1 -2 October 1955 Map of the Track w notes ar.jpg
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    The James Dean Porsche 550 - before the accident - on the cover of the book about it and James Dean.
    - Milan Fistonic archives - as posted on another thread " Blast-from-the-Past " - page 5 - post #82 back in 2018

    Name:  AH #375 Salinas Sports Car Races - ref BookThe Death of James Dean - cover W Newton Beath with p.jpg
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    Last edited by Roger Dowding; 11-23-2024 at 03:18 AM. Reason: photos added issue solved ###47

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