Continuing the story of that day in 2014:

And it gets better! East of Butte there is the 'Continental Divide' where the van readily climbed to 6300' altitude. So there was more snow to be seen, more mountain scenery to absorb. Did I say that I love this stuff?

Mining in Montana. I think this huge open-cut is a copper mine, like the similar scar in the hill overlooking Butte. In the background is the Continental Divide, we're covering miles here.

Over another hill. And the Interstate flows out across the valley floor as we see yet another range in the distant with its white caps and covering clouds.

And yet another! It just keeps on coming, to say I was delighted with the scenery would be a serious understatement.

My thoughts the whole day were on the pure beauty that's inscribed in the Montana landscapes. Etched in so it will never go away, I hesitate to use the word 'awesome', but it does apply.

Another thing which was etched in my brain was the sensation of riding in a 'no longer 426 cubic inch' Hemi-powered Plymouth GTX. Pete, one of the 'Montana Dodge Boys' had it among his collection and he took me for a ride - and used the electric exhaust cutouts! - down the road to buy some beer at the gas station.

The Montana Dodge Boys, based in Bozeman, have made a sensational assault on the salt flats at Bonneville with a 1929 Dodge 'Fast Four'-based car they've coaxed up to more than 140mph. Here's the car packed in its trailer:

Sheer dynamite! Built up as a result of a $100 bet, this car has steadily improved its speed on the salt flats from just over 100 to almost 150mph in just a few years. In the background is the Plymouth GTX.

And here's Pete, or 'Pedro' at work on another Dodge Fast Four:

Pedro at work. Pete holds up an aero screen he plans to fit to another 'Fast Four' project car.

By the end of the Thursday I was in Columbus, I met some nice people there including one who invited me to visit him in Dickinson, North Dakota as I went that way in a couple of days. I used the wi-fi at McDonalds and slept comfortably in the bed in the van parked in the truck stop nearby.