Thames Valley Car Club meeting. December 17th 1966.
Don Brunt commented that the track is still there but unused in recent years, made worse by the Covid Pandemic.

Rod McCallum leads Jim Richards, for first place but Jim prevailed - notes and photo by John Larry Lawton.

Name:  Kerepehi 1966 #026 Kerepehi - December 17th 1966. Rod McCallum #113 Jim Richards #105 Anglia lea.jpg
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Another photo of the Rod McCallum car this time in the paddock at Pukekohe in 1967.. Car #113 the Anglia beside it is #144 ex Bob Homewood .. then with Marcel Grand

Name:  Pukekohe 1967 #0167 Anglia #113 Rod McCallum Anglia #144 Marcel Grand - ex Bob Homewood Q ACC 8 .jpg
Views: 119
Size:  177.0 KB