Does anyone know, or can remember the story of a 68 GT500 Shelby Mustang that crash out the back or east tamaki, AKL on new years eve in 69 or 70 in which both the driver and passanger died, the car was then sold as a write off to Brett Wilson a motor importer in Hastings/Napier, he put the 428 Shelby motor and trans into his T-Bucket and drag raced it and sold the shell to Trevor Grey in Tauranga and he built it into a dirt track saloon car with the ex Urquhart brothers 429 Cammer boat engine fitted!! now this was a near new and expensive car back then!! I remember as a kid on my push bike outside Dick Davidson's workshop on the corner of Cameron and Chadwick roads in Greerton, Tauranga watching them work on it!! The reason i bought this story up is i wonder how many rare and exspensive cars ended up dying a final death on the dirt tracks of New Zealand(and Australia for that matter)
Dale Mathers