Just received this, so please keep your eyes and ears open, and hopefully the mongrels will get caught. As below:
Up here in Brisbane a competitor (Glenn White ) had his sports sedan stolen on the week-end.
He has paid to run at Bathurst next February 2012.
Glenn had the Chev Powered Capri (ex Phil Crompton Car) sports sedan stolen from his home in Jimboomba Qld on the week-end.(see pics)
Could you please keep a good eye out as you drive around to see if you can spot it anywhere.
Who knows where it will end up.
Inter state or Qld.
If you have any info to pass onto about please contact Glenn on -:
0405 754 524 or
(07) 55478367
Could you please forward this onto any body you know either in Qld or interstate.
The wider the web we might catch that bastards.
Gary Goulding