Interesting shots. I have some here that I will scan and post on Weds night when I have finished putting my desktop PC back together.
They are a little water damaged around the edges but I should be able to fix them up ok.
1) Is the Sleepyhead car through the esses at Puke in Benson and Hedges trim as per Steves photo but minus the Go To Bed on the side.
2) The Castle/Billington AC Delco scheme coming through the start of the esses at Puke.
3) I also have a couple of shots of another with Crosby/Wilkinson across the windscreen and Wang sponsorship. Is this the same car ?

Interesting you mention the black lower colouring on the Grice car. I have a shot of it in the pits at Puke with black on the lower side panels but the front panel is all red and the grill is silver. Maybe it was smashed in Wellinton and was not finished on the Friday when I took the shot.