When do you think this was written?

The key to success, is to present a sound and raceworthy car, even if it is not tuned to give its full potential, on the starting grid for the first race of the series. Adherence as far as possible to this principle is essential for two reasons. Most members of the public, as opposed to enthusiasts, go to motoracing to be entertained. Unless the competition is keen they will seek less boring attractions. If there is no competition, there wont be many spectators, and if there aren't many spectators, there wont be many sponsors, many of whom look to motoracing as a means of advertising their products, many of which bear no relationship to cars or the motor business. Whether enthusiasts like it or not, the present relatively high level of New Zealand motoracing will not be maintained without this sponsorship.

Sounds like today, doesn't it. Actually it was written in 1972...40 years ago, as part of an article on saloon car racing. Taken from the Shell Book of Motoracing. Seems nothing changes!