Originally posted by Steve Holmes
Thanks for that info Myles. So was the Corvair outlawed by CAMS, rather than voluntarily retired by Gardner?
Seeing as this has gone unanswered...

The Corvair was a bit of a stretch of the rules as it was, also true of the Thomson VW-Chev. They were hardly 'F5000s with bodies on top', however, though they naturally enough used F5000 running gear.

A previous 'wild' Sports Sedan which 'tested' the rules was the Laws brothers' Mini with Holden engine beside the driver and powering the front wheels via a VW gearbox. This sort of thing led to the regulations being formed and re-formed to suit the direction in which it was wanted that the class would progress.

Yes, it was a CAMS edict which led to the demolition of Tom Nailard's dream car. And led, directly or indirectly, to a rash of Alfetta GT lookalikes to keep the engines and transmissions in the right place with a suitable wheelbase ...etc.