Quote Originally Posted by thunder427 View Post
The 'Camels Hump' Rover!!!.....Chris Farrell was the 'Alloy/Hammer-n-Dolly' guru (Moffat/Beechey/Jane and about every early Alloy Dragsters body of the time) had me assisting him this particular Friday on the Camel 'Hump' making some mods for the Saturday/Sunday Calder 'Sports Sedan' meeting, remember these where the days of no Thurs/Friday 'Pre' ,practise, just show up Saturday and qualify of the trailer

....so it's like 11.clock at night, pick up is around 7oclock in the morn.,we hav'nt eaten as we had no money,job completed/ done ,(we will probably get payed in 30 days)clearing a path for the 'Hump' for loading on trailer when Chris steps over the Oxy line that is swinging in an arch from the tall 5ft bottle to the work bench, boot tounge catch's the Oxy line....Craaasssssh.....Boof!!!.....Wham,turns the boot lid inside out!!! ....f;: #%^*+¥€^%#}|][<£^%><ck......7 o'clock pick-up Chris had waved his Magic Wand ,I had waved the spray gun...Presto!!!!!.....WHAT DAMAGE!!! .....still hadn't eaten .........regards thunder427/MJ ..........the Rover got very serverly 'rear-ended' at Calder when it wasin it's 'Blue' livery........I didnt hear about the fire!
Shit Myles, times must have been tough if you guys couldn't even afford to eat!