Hi all,
We are organising events and a function to celebrate 40 years of OSCA so if you know anyone who has an OSCA car that competed before 1990 or anyone who wants to attend either the races or function please let myself and everyone know what we are doing. October 29/30 Ruapuna and function on the Saturday night, December 5th Teretonga and Levels in March.

So far we have nearly 30 cars that will attend and cars that raced against OSCA cars from allcomers or the North Island are also welcome. Cars that we have contacted so far include (some wont be ready)... Crowe Starlet I & II, Osborne Camaro, Elvy Capri, Dickie Victor, Munt Capri, Farr Escort, Johnston Avenger, Agass Escort, PDL Mustang I, Kennard Cortina, McElrea Cortina, Marwood Camaro, Boone Anglia, Fahey Anglia, Foley Minor, Heslin Viva, Harcourt Escort, Stanley-Joblin Viva, Jones RX3, Grindley RX7, Wills RX8, Homewood Escort, Nielsen/Richards Escort, Bullivant Capri, Jac Mac Cortina, Hunter Escort, Osborne RX7, Little Charger, Collins Cortina, Coppins Zephyr, Willis Commodore, Algie Alfetta, Dawson Camaro, Coppins Firebird,