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  1. #1


    Testing at Levin

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Tauranga, New Zealand
    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTAXIE50 View Post
    Testing at Levin

  3. #3

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by CUSTAXIE50 View Post
    Testing at Levin

  5. #5
    Must be later this month?

  6. #6
    Is there a photo to come Custaxie?

  7. #7
    I put down on paper today, the day i was in levin 41 years ago when i saw Graham testing his F5000 ,i was there with my father inlaw,have just finished-and was just going to put it up but i see you boys are at it again , maybe steve has to talk to you boys again about having some respect for others who are on the roaring season.No photos that day steve maybe the levin car club may have some.

  8. #8
    Sorry Custaxie, I think everyone thought there might have been something else to come.

  9. #9
    yes steve there is more to come,as i said i put it all down on paper today, as i allways do before i put it on the roaring season will do it later on ,as i am putting down something about another thread at this time.

  10. #10
    f5000-what can i say 1971 around that time thinking back i was down in levin at my father inlaws place Laurie jenson ,he will be 92 this year we got wind that Graham Mcrae was testing at the track with his Mcrae f5000 ,we were out that door so fast that you would think the place was on fire .we got to the track to see Graham was stopping halfway before the hairpin to have his crew work on his car ,they worked on the front bar and looked the car over before having a good run at it ,around he went four or so laps and stopped to talk to his crew about the real bars that go from the rear hub to the rear of the tub ,he said when he gets into the hairpin that he could see the top bar moving up and down he had replaced them with new ones that were lighter ,he had one of his crew go and lie down at the hairpin to see what he could see ,off Graham went he had the wood right into it this time around he went ,he came very fast out of cabbage and down to the hairpin and braked very hard into the hairpin with one of his crew down in front of him to see what he could see what was going on with the back of the car ,you could say that was the kiwi way of doing things all these years ago i would like to say all the very best to Graham for 2012 ,and maybe we will see you doing what you do best drive a f5000-all the best

  11. #11
    Thanks for that Custaxie. Graham was one of the key figures in F5000, not just here in NZ but also in UK, USA, and Australia. With all the great cars back out on the track at HD it seemed rather sad that (if) he wasn't there, even if not racing one of his beautiful cars. Great to see so many GM1s still out there giving the Lolas a good shake and let's hope we see GM back as an honoured guest regardless of any personal issues in his past. He is undoubtedly NZ motor racing royalty.

    The way he muscled the Crown Lynn McLaren around Baypark was something to behold. The dayglo orange GM1 was and still is, simply a stunning racing car which as Kiwis we can all proudly embrace like a Britten motorcycle.

  12. #12
    we all fall down in our life sometimes,some fall down and it just takes longer to get back up ,the main thing is to get the right ones to help you get back up ,i understand Garth Hogan and Ken Smith are helping with this ,which is good to see them coming to help a old mate out at this time in his life--all the best to you.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Tauranga, New Zealand
    Hi "Custaxie". Not wishing to be disresprectful to yourself or anyone else on "the roaring season". Just wondering if you'd forgotten to post a pic or something.
    Russ Cunningham

  14. #14
    what do you want to know-russ.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2011
    Tauranga, New Zealand
    Everything & anything. Whatever you'd like to divulge.

  16. #16
    whats up with what is up there now-russ

  17. #17
    World Champion
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Graham at Wigram

    Pic by Peter Bain Hogg
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    Last edited by bry3500; 02-16-2012 at 06:14 AM.

  18. #18
    sorry not sure if blue car may be BEGG
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  19. #19
    World Champion
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by pallmall View Post
    Hmmm, don't think so, looks to me like the STP March.
    oops wrong pic..I'll change it

  20. #20
    thanks to Pall Mall thats annoying when cant transfer images at same size
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