Today I received 2 CDs of these photos, some that have previously been posted on the "Found in a rubbish dump" thread, and as long as Steve has no objections I have started this new thread with the intention of posting these photos in a cleaned up state. There are many from back in the day that are going to blow you away with the content, and many are totally different types of photos than are normally seen, with shots of people and pit scenes. There are also photos taken at later eighties historic meets and wings and wheels type shows, and also some photos from Australia and further afield. Where I can I will attempt to identify as much as I can, but some are going to need help.
This is going to take quite a while to do, so could entertain you all for a good few weeks. Here is a teaser to start of a few that I have cleaned up.

Ross Jensen and Tom Clark. Maserati 250F and Super Squalo Ferrari.

Rod Coppins, Zeohyr Corvette.

Neil Doyle Anglia Corvette.

Sedgedin Fleetwood Mustang.