Hi All,

I found this site purely by chance, and must say that although I am probably a little younger than most of you, I am absolutely fascinated. The depth of knowledge and the information about events, races, cars and personalities is simply staggering.
A quick bit of info about me: I have had an association with motorsport most of my life, my father raced cars - primarily Minis in their infancy, and went on to be relatively successful I believe, at club level. He also raced Fiats and had associations with a few of the names I recognise mentioned on these forums. I had a brief association with karting in the 90's, spent a bit of time co-driving in rally cars, and dabbled in a bit of club circuit racing.
I have an interest in car racing from the 60's through to the 80's and find this site compelling. I have a few boxes of colour slides taken by my parents around the time my father was racing in the lates 60's to early 70's, and would love to share them with other people who would appreciate them.