What crazy people you all were/are. One of life's great pleasures was however, driving through the night, and watching the sun come up the next morning at speed during a special stage. Pretty amazing stuff. You felt like you could just keep driving forever,.......................who needs sleep. My navigator used to get a little concerned when we would see taillights ahead. He knew the red mist was about to descend,.....again. Lots of funny stories.

Dad told me about this 'bugger' who keep catching him up in a stage, but he would manage to draw away again. This went on for hours. Finally he figured out it was just the moon glinting in the chrome strip around his internal rear view mirror!

In one of the Heatways, we both got very late, and were at the back of the field running together with me in front. We passed heaps of cars every stage, and I was driving flat out. There was no way in the world I was going to let my Dad catch me! Every time he caught up to a car, he thought Ah, I have got the little bugger...............but i had caught and passed the next car by then. It was good fun.