You hit the nail dead centre,I will never understand how this latest follow the leader racing please anyone except the car in front,,But they are so much faster you say,,Rubish I remember at Bay Park when the Colonge Capri came screaming down the back straight{in those days most folk sat on the back straight }the noise as they flew towards us was scarey hell I had never seen cars so quickthere lap times a 1. 3or close it some yrs ago no doubt David will have a record ,The point I am trying to make that 20 odd yrs later my first Sports Sedans I was doing 1.3 after 5yrs my best was 1.03 and if I had the money for 4 new tyres all at once and a fresh motor ,may have broken the magic minute.I still navent got the point out never did it feel fast!! so if these latest cars are 10..20..or even 40mph faster it doesent make a beter race and I will bet 2 bob the only time they are close is out braking each other remember when Draky couldnt beat Baird he would run into him,, Hell I have some vidio of Jim Clark crossing the line at Puke sidways through the fence and hedge with at least two minis pushing him and there top speed was what 120??? That is racing!!