I think that maybe you were too kind to Jimmy Chrystal as he effectively wiped out the BMC Series, by taking the organiser and initiator, to a tribunal, when a leading contender was loaned a car for the last round and all drivers agreed that it was OK. The loaned car was 100% legal and had been run by the owner earlier in the season.

As the driver won the series, Jim objected afterwards, as "it wasn't in the rules" even though he had agreed at the meeting that it was OK. That organiser then walked away from a series he had run for 10 years as he was apalled at the bad sportsmanship shown and the aggravation and stress of a tribunal. It is not what a hard working series organisers wants, needs or deserves.

Although Jim Barclay is adamant that racing is "all about the cars", in truth, racing classics is just as much about driver attitudes and behaviour, on and off the track.