Don't know quite how to reply to your post #80 fullnoise, but I'll give it a go.

Sweetwaters........never been, but you may be able to enlighten me.

After my comment on the presentation of the HMC cars today, what I meant to say was that the cars of old LOOKED like heaps of junk, and I stand by that.

Where did I say the Festival was not working? What I said was, if you put your glasses on, was that festivals subsequent to the McLaren one didn't have the BUZZ that it air of expectation and excitement perhaps. If you had competed in it, and the ones following you would know that, I think.

Dementia, yes, could hit anytime.......but I probably wont know!!

I definitely DO get what HMC is all about......end of story.

Ah well......Live by the Sword, Die by the Sword.