Quote Originally Posted by Racer Rog View Post
What I find is funny, is most of you guys whinning and moaning, could have had a say at the AGCM, Roger H, and Chris, were the only ones who I know were there to have a say, and while I did not agree with all he had to say, at least he was there, there was a informal meeting for H & C, how many were there, again just a few with real interest in the sport. Look there are problems, and if you look at any sporting body you will find a lot of the same things will appear, go play with the VCC, not on your life, their fee's are cheap for a reason, they don't do anything!! while trails and hill climbs serve them well when it comes to circuit racing, they have been found wanting, and are now taking on board practices that have been developed by MSNZ, Eric you mentioned Authrority Cards, the requirements for these are laid out by the LVVC and Land Transport, MSNZ only administer it, so you are damm lucky they do so, where does the VCC get its link to the FIA, through MSNZ!! I do not agree with all the MSNZ does, but I am a active participant in its activities and admin, so I have a right to have my say, there are others here on this forum who do so as well, but far to few, so to rest the rest get out of the arm chair and get active, some may need a zimmer frame, and you don't have to race, but get involved if you want to have change. there will be a meeting of the H & C commission coming up in the lower North Island, and this will be a open meeting for those who are interested, to voice their concerns ( vote of thanks perhaps for some of the work they have in recent times ) and I guess Crunch might put the dates and time here, its planed to have one in the upper NI and one in the SI at a later date as well, and its hoped to have these done within the year.
Roger - a few points regarding your post.

While the VCC may not have a direct affiliation with the FIA, I think this is a bit misleading as they do have a direct link to FIVA which is more akin to their activities.

The structure of MSNZ does not allow widespread representation at the MSNZ AGM. Under the Constitution, representation is limited to club delegates only. On this basis it is essentially impossible for concerned competitors to have a say at the MSNZ AGM. This is one of the gripes but I fear that the powers that be within MSNZ understand that this restrictive representation limits the ability of grassroot participants to generate any significant change to the status quo.

The concern that I have is that the MSNZ hierarchy is ingrained with a culture that fails to appreciate that MSNZ is the member clubs and that the MSNZ Executive and officers are the servants of these member clubs. There is a lack of affinity within MSNZ for the historic and classic fraternity and I have personally experienced behaviour from MSNZ that supports concerns that MSNZ is not acting in the interests of member clubs and is also not acting in good faith. A prime example of this related to the remits TACCOC put forward for the 2012 AGM. I think it was generally understood that these remits bucked the status quo but they were put forward by an historic and classic club as a result of concerns they had for their members. The remits were lodged with MSNZ on 23 March 2012 and TACCOC understood that there were inherent issues with the remits as they effected constitutional matters and as such did not meet the required notice period (which was different from the notice period stated by MSNZ for general remits). The notice issue was not insurmountable and there was a solution but TACCOC waited to see if MSNZ, pursuant to it's obligation to act in good faith, approached TACCOC in a cooperative manner to discuss a solution.
Unfortunately and surprisingly the very opposite happened. Literally ten minutes before the remits were to be presented at the AGM the President of MSNZ approached me (as the TACCOC delegate) and advised me that MSNZ were going to declare the remits illegal and not allow them to be presented. I took this as being totally unacceptable behaviour and no more than a cynical attempt by MSNZ to wait to the very last minute to try and "kill" a member club's remits that did not suit MSNZ's purposes. MSNZ had the ability to raise it's concerns at any time between 23 March and 18 May (date of the AGM) but apparently chose not to do so - even a 'phone call would have sufficed.
Perhaps you may now appreciate why there is such dissatisfaction with the MSNZ hierarchy especially from the historic and classic fraternity.