Red Dawson was my boyhood hero in the big grunters brigade and his ultimate phallic race machine was the metallic blue '67 Trans Am Mustang with bold gold number 35 emblazoned on the doors. But by 1971 Red realised that this beast was no longer going to do the business and he replace it with a the gold Kensington Carpets '71 Camaro that he brought back from Stateside and built up into a racer. Its probably fair to say that Red was in many ways his own worst enemy when it came to winning titles. As I learnt from Bruce Newall his long time mechanic and Jack Nazer a major rival, Red tended to push things over the top. As Newell told me Red was always looking for more power and often over stressing his engines with stroker cranks and the like, with reliability suffering. Nazer described Red as a good charger, but often tending to overdrive and punish his machinery. Long time successful rival Paul Fahey, new all about conserving his equipment and winning titles. Red might have won both the 1972-73 title as he was generally faster than Coppins Firebird, who won the title. Also in 1973-74 Red had a string of failures, while being on pretty much even terms with winner Jim Richards. However despite that on its day Red and the Camaro did the business in a pretty impressive fashion