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Thread: Mystery sports car

  1. #1

    Mystery sports car

    Can anyone identify this red car and the date/track... I have an idea who and what it is but Ill wait and see if someone can confirm it... lol
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  2. #2
    Semi-Pro Racer pallmall's Avatar
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    It looks a bit like the Graham McRae built Masserari, but a bit hard to tell from that angle and the colour is the wrong shade, and no yellow nose band.

  3. #3
    Thats what I was thinking too.

  4. #4
    The Masserari was my first thought, the helmets aren't period, and the number on the side is a lot later than when the car would have run, It does look like an airfield course.


  5. #5
    yes I believe you are correct. It is the masserrari most probably at Wigram and Im told that is Graham McRae in the car. But that is from a friend of the photographer who now has the photo and cant confirm it. The colour is redder in the photo but the scanner added a darker shade.

  6. #6
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Definitely the Masarrari, and if that's Tony Herbert's Ginetta G4 alongside it won't be a period shot

  7. #7
    Quote Originally Posted by David McKinney View Post
    Definitely the Masarrari, and if that's Tony Herbert's Ginetta G4 alongside it won't be a period shot
    Whenuapai wet Classic meeting ,but I'm scratching my head for the date at the moment

  8. #8
    Quote Originally Posted by bob homewood View Post
    Whenuapai wet Classic meeting ,but I'm scratching my head for the date at the moment
    January 1997 ?

  9. #9
    Journeyman Racer
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    I first saw this car when it was at Mike Roberts panel shop in the late ninties when owner Ross Ford was getting some alloy tin work done on it. I was in awe of the construction. Runs a Humber motor doesnt it?
    I swa a shot of the car in raw alloy somewhere when McRae was building it.

  10. #10
    Gordon Burr?

  11. #11
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    Background screamed Whenuapai as soon as the picture appeared. 1997 Wings & Wheels programme has it as the 'Maserrari 220S' driven by Ross Ford but with number 59. Can't help thinking I've been through this discussion before. Did he have No. 220 at another Classic meeting a week or two earlier?

    Here's something from 1998 when it was dry - looks nice but only a replica.Name:  Kogan Cam Millar 250F 80pc.JPG
Views: 1528
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  12. #12

    I'd have thought a Graham McRae built replica had a provenance all of its own and second to none.

  13. #13
    Semi-Pro Racer pallmall's Avatar
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    The 250F replica had nothing to do with Graham McRae. I think Stu posted the photo in reference to the Whenuapai Classic meeting.

    Here is the Maserarrai at the Domain Hill Climb.

  14. #14
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by pallmall View Post
    The 250F replica had nothing to do with Graham McRae. I think Stu posted the photo in reference to the Whenuapai Classic meeting.

    Here is the Maserarrai at the Domain Hill Climb.
    Yes. "Only" only referred to the 250F replica which may have had some genuine spare parts in it but no genuine original identity.

    I don't know all the later history of the Maserrari, but I thought it was a beautiful car from whenever I first saw it (1960ish I guess).
    It's very much after the style of mid-1950 Maserati sports-racers and the OSCAs built by the remaining two Maserati brothers.

  15. #15
    Sorry I managed to totally misread that.

  16. #16
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by stubuchanan View Post
    Yes. "Only" only referred to the 250F replica which may have had some genuine spare parts in it but no genuine original identity.
    Assuming that's Abba Kogan's car, it was one of the first Cameron Millar cars, so would have been pretty much all Maserati apart from chassis and body

    I don't know all the later history of the Maserrari, but I thought it was a beautiful car from whenever I first saw it (1960ish I guess).
    It's very much after the style of mid-1950 Maserati sports-racers and the OSCAs built by the remaining two Maserati brothers.
    It got its name because, during construction, some of McRae's friends thought it looked like a Maserati, and others like a Ferrari

    I really must go through programmes etc from its first appearance (February 1961) to see how it should be spelt. I'm fairly sure I decided back in the day it should be 'Masarrari', but there were numerous other spellings. McRae himself was asked a couple of years ago for a definitive ruling and didn't know...

  17. #17
    Semi-Pro Racer pallmall's Avatar
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    15th April 1961 Levin, it is listed as a Maserari 220s.

  18. #18
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    What's your source for that?

    The programme's list of entries calls it a Masararri 220S
    In the individual races it's listed four times as a Masararri and three times as a Maserarri

    When I get a mo' I'll dig out earlier references to it

  19. #19
    Semi-Pro Racer pallmall's Avatar
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    The 20 year history of Levin book. I notice other spellings in later listings.

  20. #20
    Semi-Pro Racer
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    Quote Originally Posted by pallmall View Post
    The 20 year history of Levin book. I notice other spellings in later listings.
    Tell me more, please. I have never seen or heard of the Levin history.


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