Dave Silcock just a little story racing a jaguar made him a hero well in the 60s 50s even the 40s we had heros in the 40s Brookby song won the great northen wellington and grand national steeplchase my uncle was involed with him and even today people remember !!Bob Scott rugby Peter Snell Smoke Ring,, Phill Shone Stirling Moss ,, 43yrs, I have had a mk2 3.8 Jaguar primrose with black leather ,started of doing gymkhanws then 2 cars side by side at Bay Park{still remember walking around the track putting some large stones where I hoped was the place to brake}then 4cars side by side and so on.Faster cars Ferraris Porsches Aston Lotus ect started to turn up.Soon we were outclassed thinking there must be a way to match the rich folk .What about that ex race car Bob Eden??? car sales in ponsonby road had a Dtypr jag mtr, a lite xk120 just sitting out in the sun and rain it started and ran sort of ok ,next Puke meet dave was loading the Mk2 onto the trailer ,nervisly I asked him what he thought of the xk?? f see it ill put an axe through the X@^VAQWJ??!He then went on to explain how a sailor had crashed it rebuilt it then crashed it again. I gave it amiss but there is know doubt he is a straight talker ,,somthing rather rare today { then again 4glasses of pino piot??may to blame}