Quote Originally Posted by driftwood View Post
1 what is dial up? are you referring to the technology of internet access 10 years ago?
2 wel known phrase snooze you loose
throw in
he who hesitates is lost
every race car I have bought has been instant
IF i took the effort to go see the car I have either bought on spot OR called next day and put my offer on table
anything after that and i didnt want it or was not interested enough in it having seen it
I have bought many cars off fotos from hysterical FFords to Gp C cars

you pass this way once in your life and now a race car is dead for 2 reasons
1 a fkwit bought the car
2 you deliberated and you even went to see the car so why did you not move yer lips there n then- you obviously wanted it at the price advertised otherwise you would have stayed at home
I do not think I can forgive you for your actions unless you can ply with me leg of lamb supper followed by lots of beer/wine port whiskey and many story's of racing in NZ followed with photos
so be warned no leg of lamb no forgiveness
Well if he wasn't feeling bad before, he will now! Ha ha ha.

And yes, dial-up, long since gone in most 1st world countries, but still active in some 3rd world countries...........and NZ!