Quote Originally Posted by AMCO72 View Post
I have a sneaky suspision that the HMC boys dont really want us, the U3L, with them, and I fully agree. Although it was a stirring sight at the festival with all these cars mixed up, the fact of the matter is that it was a 'convenience' thing. I have no doubt in my mind that Dale and his boys will be able to field a full grid of proper Muscle cars next festival, or before.
Actually Gerald, HMC and U3 are a fantastic match for each other. The combination of the two groups is just that, bringing together two groups that compliment each other. All the cars are period correct, and they look amazing out on the track together. Perhaps eventually each will grow in car numbers to the point its not possible to race together at the high profile events, because there are simply too many cars. I reckon if you spoke to the HMC guys at the Denny Hulme event, almost all would be full of praise for the way the small car guys drove. And I think the same would be true of the small car guys. Remember, 40 years ago big cars and small cars all raced together. Nothing has changed, there is no reason why it can't still be the case.

I've been trying to get Arthur on this website to create a thread specific to the U3 group. More exposure is what is needed to help create enthusiasm and boost grids. The HMC thread has now had nearly 60,000 page views, and has been really helpful in building the profile of HMC, and it amazes me that other historic racing groups aren't doing likewise. It bonds competitors and educates people. Trouble is, by his own admission, Arthur is fairly technologically challenged, so this may take a while to achieve. But I'm happy to help him through it if it means helping the U3 group.