Name:  1969 Stanton Corvette. Jim Boyd.jpg
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Carrying on from where we left off a couple of weeks ago with the Ian Peak Collection, Part 1, this is Part 2. Boy, these photos really get me excited, they're so full of colour, and so beautifully demonstrate this amazing period in history.

Again, these photos centre around Teretonga, the worlds most southern race track at the bottom of New Zealands South Island. The years shown here are 1967, 1969, and, if I have some space left at the end, a bit of a random assortment. The photos centre around the Teretonga round of the Tasman Series, and in particular, the international stars. But there is plenty here of interest for everyone.

I hope you all enjoy these as much as I have. Thanks again to Mark Quertier for organising these photos to be shared here.