Ok, some questions that I, and I assume others would like to know. Maybe George already knows the answers and has done his homework, and before the FF brigade jumps in and accuses me of being negative, I think the points I am raising are positive, insightful, and relevant.............

First of all, we are talking here of cars that do/did exist, and actually raced 25 to 50 years ago, not a replica or tribute type car.
But DO they actually still exist.....has anyone set eyes on them, and what condition are they in; are they complete, or have they been robbed; do/will they comply with MSNZ rule books?? Any car that has been idle for that length of time is going to be in a mess, unless they have been stored in a heated garage and started once a month, which I doubt. Unlike a vintage car which can be restored and put on the road with a WOF, these machines have to go one step further than that, and put into race-worthy condition........a much bigger ask.

What 'condition' are the drivers in?????? They are old or at least older, may have medical problems, no spare cash, have lost their 'mojo', moved on to other sporting attractions.......fishing etc.....and do they really WANT to resurrect/restore/refurbish these things that kept them poor all those years ago. Perhaps they are happy just to look at them in the shed, crack open a can of Lion Red and dream of glories past, and cant be bothered with all the crap necessary to race......licences, medicals etc etc.
Can they in fact be bothered to go through all the bullshit again?????

All these original cars are going to need a LOT of cash thrown at them. Going on our own experience with the Amco Mini......it was a mess, and needed a lot of time and effort to get it up and running.......and that was the first restoration in 1985. The second shot was even more expensive.....inflation.... and that car swallowed up a serious amount of money, and it was only a bloody Mini.

When the initial euphoria has gone and these owners sit down, with a can or two of 'Chateau Waikato Noir' and start to do some sums, they MAY decide it is all too hard. Sometimes it doesn't pay to go back to old haunts, or see old girl-friends. We all move on and usually these reminiscing episodes only lead to disappointments.

The other thing is this. Is there going to be a association/club for this class or is the roaring season going to be it. I think what we are doing now is the way to go. Get all these ex drivers onto the RS, and they can be kept fully informed. I mean look what has come up already in such a short time, and we are only on page 6. Maybe some word-of mouth is necessary here.......spread the message.....

We on the roaring season are all keen to see these cars in action again, but it is not going to happen overnight. As Dale says......he doesn't care if there are only 6 genuine cars on the first grid, it will build from there.

George, you have a big task ahead of you, and you have done your restore/refurbish so you know what it is all about. All you have to do is convince these other guys to go down the same path.........all power to your arm!!!!!!!!!

And there is NO LoL after that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!