Quote Originally Posted by CUSTAXIE50 View Post
well done stubuchanan go to the top of the class,i allways like it when a plan works out.thinking again about this there is a photo of brent in a old sports car and one of the front wheels went walk about. there is a story about brent racing at puke it may have been in the b&h 500 in a vauxhall victor, and he came into the pits and they could not get the brake pads out brent had his foot on the brake .there must lots of storys like this that went on in the b&h 500 just look at what they had to race with ,and now look what is been used today out there.may i say it would be great to hear from anyinfo or brents son about how this book is coming along.
Yep remember Gary [Brother] telling me about it [the foot hard on the pedal] I think Brent & Leo were in the pit next to Gary & Ernie .... there are some good storys , just a couple , when Ernie & Leo , won in the 318 VG Valiant , Leo went off at the Elbow , & took hid overalls off & stuck the car in drive [in the wet] & put them under the rear wheels to get a bit more traction & away they went ???. An other occasion Ernie was driving a charger with Leo & the demisters packed up Dad took off his socks & used them as demisters , they won , Ernie was on rostrum bare footed , Gary Pederson reminded me of this at levels over a few beers ,Regards Grant