Wooow , Bill thank you for such detailed pics of my big Bro, & Steve for posting these . These pics are about the 3rd year of owner ship of this fun car, Gary would have been about 18 yrs old here. You can see it has the new mini lites , Ernie took pride in reducing weight on all his cars , he taught us its the cheapest subtitute for HP , when the car arrived from the NI Ernie had contacts in UK & got some better go fast bits , had castings made for bell housuing , diff housing , tail shaft housing [Alloy], alloy skins etc all made locally in Timaru, I think the diff housing might have been lotus I tried to take it all in a a kid , never had a roll cage too heavy lol , untill later in this pic Mum kept on at Dad to have saftey for Gary , you can see a cage in pic it was mad of the lightest strongest I think called drian [dranium]??metal for air crafts??. Bill I was talking to Roly [Levis] yesterday he is going to get on to the roaring season to check out some pics etc you have taken , he is flying out to Aussie as I am typing to stay with oldest daughter Vivian to get some warmer weather , he is very keen to get into roaring season....... Kind Regards Grant