Quote Originally Posted by duncan fox View Post
Ill Pm you , meanwhile is this the car we are talking about? I went to buy this of Laurie in the early seventies to replace Gp Deuce but I walked away because it was quite rusty. Thats why I was so amazed to see it in Puhanui Rd .I talked at length with the guy who restored it. It was definatly Lauries 32.
In this shot at Seagrove its a light colour not the Maroon his trucks were. Another thought comes to mind here , who in their right mind breaks a 32 Ford roadster up for parts ? Even Pink Panther was ressurected after Eddie had crashed it .Something not right here. I love a mystery ........

OK.....heres the oil on the Powell 32.

I was correct in my recollection of Lauries car being light green it was never Maroon Im reliably told. It was also looked at by my longtime 32 Ford owner friend Warren Fairhurst when Laurie was trying to sell it. He confirms it was light green also, as rusty as all hell but was equally surprised later to have seen it restored by Paul Grace in Auckland. (not the Hot Rod mag editor who also owned a 32 roadster at the time) I knew the name was a double up , just not Lauries. It was later exported to the US.